How to make moving emojis on BYC

If you have the BYC app then this is the way you might want to learn it.
So in the app to get them you need to type the code. So it involves memorizing but lucky for you I will show you all the codes I know but there will be a space in between the : and the code so it does not activate when you want it activated don't do a space.
: cd- :cd
: thumbsup- :thumbsup
: weee- :weee
: caf- :caf
: he- :he
: rolleyes:- :rolleyes:
: drool:- :drool:
: th- :th
: lol:- :lol:
; ):- ;):
: welcome- :welcome
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I use the website, but I don't like clicking and choosing the one I want-takes too much time-so I always type in the code name.
I have a question for you Misha is it easy to stop the GFM membership from costing you?

Sorry, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking here - could you clarify? I actually didn't pay for my GFM so to speak; I won a contest on here and got a $50 store credit. However, I do plan on purchasing a new one after this one runs out. I definitely enjoy the benefits and find them quite worth the cost.

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