How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

I also see a huge trend in training websites. There is a "My horses" page. Should I be adding that? Why would it be on the website?
I will be adding more photos of our facilities and my riding and training on Wednesday.
I believe that that section is there because a trainer can be judged by their personal horses. If you are hiring a trainer for upper level dressage training (for example) and their horses are all out of shape and never made it past Training Level, you might want to reconsider unless the horses are very young. If you have a horse or horses that have accomplishments that you are proud of and feel that they demonstrate what you are capable of, then it would be a good idea to put that on there since you are young and don't have a lot of client training experience yet, so your horses are the best judge of what you can do.
Ah, alright.
I am still making some modification to make easier navigation. I.e., "Facilities Slideshow" under our "about" page, then AFTER that, have the trainer (me) about and a slideshow of me riding and training.
I think I will add a My Horses page.
As well as continue to get more pictures. I need some pictures of me riding and training- bridleless, young horses, groundwork, loading, etc.
Ah, alright.
I am still making some modification to make easier navigation. I.e., "Facilities Slideshow" under our "about" page, then AFTER that, have the trainer (me) about and a slideshow of me riding and training.
I think I will add a My Horses page.
As well as continue to get more pictures. I need some pictures of me riding and training- bridleless, young horses, groundwork, loading, etc.
Remember to pick only the best pictures!
Remember to pick only the best pictures!
Good point!
For now I'll leave a lot of the pictures up there. As I get more and more good pictures though, some will get replaced.
The biggest thing will be making sure I have pictures on many different horses or with many different horses- to show I do work with more than one horse.
@Kusanar I think that "picture" on the first page was a header. I got rid of it. Do you mind checking to see if it's gone now? Hopefully we are talking about the same thing.
I really appreciate the help, guys. Sometimes the only thing we need is a few different opinions :)
Your website is looking a lot better. :thumbsup

Some of the pictures used on the rotations get cut off and look strange. Any chance they could be changed? This is what I see.
Screenshot from 2018-01-22 12-42-52.png
I don't think you should sweat the age issue too much. Sure, you can't hide the fact that you might have less experience than some 40 year olds, but the market will adjust for that with pricing. Start from square one, which might be training beginners or training folks' horses for them. Just go for it and don't over think the whole thing.
I don't think you should sweat the age issue too much. Sure, you can't hide the fact that you might have less experience than some 40 year olds, but the market will adjust for that with pricing. Start from square one, which might be training beginners or training folks' horses for them. Just go for it and don't over think the whole thing.
Excellent advice!

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