How to make them SHUT UP!

My three chickens are not noisy in the mornings but they are very loud in the late afternoons. I usually leave them free range about 2 hours before dark. I think they get noisy to make sure I do not forget to let them out.

If they are getting unbearably loud I can make them be quiet by throwing a large tarp over their run. Unfortunately, the quiet only lasts for about 45 minutes and then they are back to their loud complaining and fussing.
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It sounds like the reasons they are squawking is to get your attention so you will let them out into the yard or give them treats- and it sounds like you've done a good job (unintentionally I'm sure) of reinforcing it. My motto is "no negotiating with terrorists". I would guess that if you started giving treats only later in the day (and only when they've been quiet) and completely ignoring them in the morning (thus the beauty of an auto door- I can't say what a difference that has made for us) you might notice after a few days that they quiet down. Mine did to the point where I don't hear them at all in the morning anymore and their coop is on the other side of the wall from our bedroom! I few times I also went out and squirted them with a super soaker when they were especially noisy, hoping to further reinforce that nothing good would come from their rowdiness and that seemed to accelerate the change. This will work, just stick with it for a few days and let us know how it goes.
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I agree, help is needed besides other good suggestions listed hang them some treats at night after lockin them upp, try a cabbage hung on a cord or bolt wwith a big washer on the bottom so it can't pull through. Not only is it great entertainment for your girls It will enthrall you all, watching them jump up to grab pieces of yummies, and they will be so busy eating and jumping they will be much more quiet any kind of distracting toy, a horse rolly ball with treats in it, someone mentioned a cricket tube from a bate shop on another thread filled with crickets. a suet cage filled with greens kale or lettuce. Chickens are like children if there bored there noisy...... and make noise to gain attention.
Best of luck with your retraining your girls to be nice quiet chickens.
I don't think chickens are like children at all. I think they are like chickens...and who would want to change that, really? My chickens are never bored, they free range at will, had an acre to live on and the surrounding fields to stretch into, plenty of food, variety of forage.

Guess what? They are still noisy sometimes...after laying an egg, settling a roost dispute, when a hawk flies over, etc. This is called communication and they should be allowed to express themselves without having to cluck sotto voce because they live where chickens should not live for fear of the neighbor's displeasure.

I get it that some of you live in town and you don't want to disturb the neighbors, but you did choose a pet that has no volume control...what in the heck did you expect? Tiny squawk collars to suppress the noise?
These are farm animals.

The reason you aren't getting many solutions offered is because there are many of us that accept the realities of raising chickens, don't try to adapt them to city life so we can have a few eggs without the side effects of noise and we don't see any merit in it when it isn't necessary....our solutions were viable.

You don't need to own chickens to enjoy fresh eggs...there are sources out there. You don't need to suppress chicken instinct and natural behavior to suit your life...your life doesn't hinge on this happening. It's just a whim, a hobby, a new fad. Solutions are generally not needed when chickens stay in the country and city things stay in the city. The problem is self-inflicted and is just as easily solved by not inflicting it upon oneself.

I know that is not a popular view, but there it is. I'm sorry some of us were less than helpful but it is a recurring subject on this forum that has a very obvious, complete solution....don't have chickens in the city.
cabbage on a string? Guess I could give that a whirl. I do have an extra cabbage in the fridge getting a bit limp.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I'll update tomorrow morning.
I do live in an area where it is legal to keep chickens.
I keep chickens because I want to know the source of my food.
This is a lifestyle choice to better the health of myself and my family.
I did expect the hens to make a tolerable level of noise.
What they are doing is not tolerable or what I would consider normal.

I think your response is rude and I am mildly offended.
this is supposed to be a friendly forum. please don't do this here.

I am being friendly, i'm sorry if you don't see it that way. I have read this forum for a very long time....long before i joined and i've seen this very topic many times. I don't know your local laws, are your neighbors jerks who will bring legal actions against you? Are you keeping them legally or under the radar? Do you have to register your flock with any government body? I mean these are legatimate questions. My suggestion is just as viable and practical as any one elses. As someone else posted and what i've seen over and over on this very topic the end concensus is always "they are chickens, it is what chickens do and there's not a thing you can do about it" Again, i'm sorry if you don't feel i'm being friendly just because my suggestion may not be backed by popularity. It is, however very reasonable and very doable. Good luck in trying to modify your flocks natural actions.
You are right on, unfortunately it's going to ruffle some feathers and you'll be called unfriendly..just like me. >shrugs<dont be suprised if your post vanishes...mine did. I'm out, cant even voice your opinion and offer your ideas.
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I'm sorry I offended you with my practical and frank response. I actually edited the more rude parts....

What they are doing is not tolerable or what I would consider normal.

Again....what you consider abnormal, considering you seem to be new at raising chickens, is completely normal in all respects when it comes to chickens, which is what I was trying to convey to you with my "rude" response. Loudness with chickens IS indeed normal behavior....ask anyone who has kept chickens for years, as I have. Three generations of keeping chickens, actually....sort of a heritage. I think I would know what normal chicken behavior could be as opposed to someone who has to ask how to shut up a chicken.

I'm sorry if rough, country advice is just a little rude to you....we tend to be more practical and laconic than you may be used to. I never meant to offend but it's hard to dress up advice that is just simple, common knowledge. I think you are finding that, just because it is legal to keep chickens where you live, it may not always be practical.

What you might ask yourself is~is it worth it to me to try to remake the chicken for a few eggs that I can buy from a local farmer that may need your support to keep growing and producing healthy foods?​
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My hens usually only squawk in the late afternoon, when they know somehow that it's time to be let out of their run. I usually let them out for an hour or 2 each afternoon, and if I skip a day because I am busy with other things, they let me know they are really unhappy with me by getting REALLY LOUD!

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