How to make them SHUT UP!

And obviously don't live in an urban setting.

Nope, thank god I'm not in an urban setting and if I was I wouldn't try and have farm fowl in town and try to convert their natural behavior to suit my needs. I prefer to let chickens be chickens.

never mind
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Some of us who've kept chickens for many my case most all of my 58 years.....know that what she is calling obnoxious noise from her hens is in reality normal vocalizations for them. I don't think it's fair to any animal to put it in a situation that is unnatural for it and expect it to change a good portion of it's behaviors to suit us. Chickens are vocal way around that.
I understand this, I love when my girls talk and squawk LOL, but some think other wise or see there might be a problem like the OP . I live in a neighborhood and my neighbors love my girls, but I do understand her fear if she has neighbors who may get mad. and to the new chicken farmer, she may not have known they might be noisy its a toss up, some have quiet birds some have noisy birds, mine are pretty quiet, but when they break forth I love it. of course my girls are special LOL,
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X3 Most of my 70 years this has been factual.

Hey! Somebody older than me!!

I think we have 3 generations of chicken experience here - I'm 35 with somewhere around 28 yrs chicken experience, then you two and all yours... We may know a bit about what we are saying.
thats why we come to you gals, we know we can get a solid answer to our hard questions, well hard to us first timers. I want to thank you all who give good advice and with out thinking we are stupid. I raise my glass to you and wish you all the best. you have helped me with many a question, Im so grateful you did not think I was stupid ( or say so any ways LOL. again your the best!!
I understand this, I love when my girls talk and squawk LOL, but some think other wise or see there might be a problem like the OP . I live in a neighborhood and my neighbors love my girls, but I do understand her fear if she has neighbors who may get mad. and to the new chicken farmer, she may not have known they might be noisy its a toss up, some have quiet birds some have noisy birds, mine are pretty quiet, but when they break forth I love it. of course my girls are special LOL,

I understand why she is concerned about their noise bothering the neighbors.....I also understand she probably didn't know how loud chickens can be.

Backyard chickens can work for some people and the area they live in, while it might not work at all for another's situation.

I've seen posts on here wanting to know about surgery to stop a roo from crowing........did they really think their rooster would end up not crowing when they kept it?

I know the "grow your own food movement" is what has brought about the backyard chicken movement and that's fine, but people just need to remember that chickens are chickens and they may not work for out for everyone to have them in their backyards.
X3 Most of my 70 years this has been factual.

Hey! Somebody older than me!!

Katy, I'm older than dirt.
However, as long as I don't look in the mirror, I don't feel that old.

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