How to make them SHUT UP!

Ohman, I appologise for posting in your quote. I am posting through my phone, and it sometimes shortens the quote window. Will edit when I get to the computer.
And obviously don't live in an urban setting.

Nope, thank god I'm not in an urban setting and if I was I wouldn't try and have farm fowl in town and try to convert their natural behavior to suit my needs. I prefer to let chckens be chickens.

I live in the city and have chickens. I do let them be chickens. The only time I TRY to shush them is when I first go outside and the 6 are all trying to 'talk' at the same time....LOL! Luckily, mine are fairly quiet during the day other than typical chicken noises, I haven't even heard any of the ones are laying now sing the egg song (the Sussex should be laying soon). I was concerned my 2 Speckled Sussex would be noisy all day long as I've heard they can be, but the neighbors say they rarely hear my girls. Mine also aren't confined to their pen all day long, they get the run of the backyard from late morning until they go back in the coop at night.

We have neighbors 5 houses down the street that have had chickens about 5 years, I think twice in that 5 years I have heard one of their chickens....I'm guessing she was singing the egg song.
I agree with Wynette. No offense, but that's why there are city ordinances against livestock and/or agricultural classified animals. Chickens make noise, which I personally love. Cars, buses, motorcycles, squealing kids and barking dogs I find personally obnoxious. That's why I live on a farm and not in a Cul-de-Sac....It seems to me that by "locking them up in the hutch" is cruel and punishment for something these creatures do naturally. I'd vote for putting them up for sale or just find a farmer who may want them and give them away. Just my opinion.

Good luck!
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I have the same problem with one of mine. She starts screaming at 5am!!! She WILL NOT STOP UNTIL 8 sometimes 10. You would think she would get tired but that doesn't seem to be the case. Most of the time she's just sitting in their dirt box screaming. I would try and feed them at 5 am to make her stop but I have given up. One it never worked, she would scream and eat. Two 5 am is not my favorite time to get out of bed. Once I was evil and threw acorns at the side of their coop. It actually worked and she stopped for a couple hours. But then I felt bad and was teased I gave her a heart attack. I always give my neighbors eggs to apologize. I know they hear her because once she starts all of our neighborhood dogs come running to their fences and start howling with her. The city needs to change out street name from 55th and Neiman rd to the corner of loud and screechy lane
I also have problems with only one of the hens screaming in the morning. I have tried blacking out the coop, the block, cabbage. They have been free range since they were old enough to go outside. They have a 6 ft by 5 ft run and a 4 by 3 coop. so they have plenty of room! but you bet first thing in the morning 7:13 on the dot. She is standing on her block screaming. Can i break her from getting use to coming out every morning.
I doubt it. That's what chickens do. They wake at dawn and immediately have a drink of water and start foraging.
That's where the expression, 'up with the chickens' comes from.
I've tried blacking out too, to get the roosters to start later but it doesn't work because they have an accurate internal clock that tells them when dawn is, even in total darkness.
How many chickens do you have? The reason I ask is, 3X4 coop and 5X6 run is pretty small for busybody chickens.
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I have three all black. The other two have their moments. But this one is so noisy in the morning and through out the day. She goes after the dog! poor thing runs from her. Even when she is free ranging every once in awhile she will just ***** (excuse my language). We live in colorado and get alot of snow, and I will not be able to let them out every morning.

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