how to mix 32% layer supplement?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
So i bought this stuff today because i have lots of wheat, barley and rolled corn at home.

I have two questions about this stuff

1-how do i mix it? like how many cups of corn and barley and wheat do i add to a cup of this?

2- do i have to add calcium to this?

i have attached a picture of the label
You would mix it just like what's stated on the bag.

When mixing feeds you would use weight not volume. (cups are volume)

Also that bag makes 2204.62 lbs of U.S. lbs or 1000 kg of feed.
Yep, the recipe is on the label. If you want to make small batches, just divide everything by a reasonable number. For example to make 10KG of feed, divide by 100. Google will convert pounds to KG or vice versa for you. In the search bar, type convert 100KG to pounds and it will. Neato. But you do need to measure by weight not volume. The reason being that one cup of say corn can vary in weight depending on how the corn kernels lay. use a scale to measure. Also, this isn't rocket science or brain surgery, so I might just say 1lb is about a half a KG for small batches like maybe 20 KG of feed. it will be close, but not exact.
so i need to buy calcium? my feed store is so useless, the people working there never give me straight answers!
so couldnt i just use this half and half with something? because then my calcium and protein would be cut in half and then it would be the same as regular feed i buy.

i have wheat, corn and barley already at home. couldnt i just put say 25kg of this and mix it with 25kg of wheat, barely and corn mixed together?
Thats probably what I would do.
yeah thats what i did. i did 8 pounds of this supplement to 8 pounds of wheat+barley+rolled corn (all mixed). so at 16 pounds at least my calcium levels were proper. protein is probably sitting at about 19-20% though, or maybe higher ... oh well

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