How to Permanently Stop Egg Laying?


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
I have a hen named Raven who is 6 years old. She is a Sumatra. Last year, she prolapsed her vent twice. I did the whole separate her, baths, pushing it back in... It stayed in all winter. Now that the spring is here, it’s prolapsed twice more. She’s just about recovered from this last time, but this was by far the worst because my other chickens pecked at her before I had seen it prolapsed again.

So I am going to keep her separated now and make sure she gets less than 8 hours of light. However, I have several trips coming up in June and July and the people who pet sit for me will not be able to keep up with this schedule. Is there any way to permanently stop her egg laying? She’s my pet and if she tries to lay another egg and prolapsed again I don’t think she’ll recover.
Aside from cutting down daylight you could research limiting amino acids/nutrients that result in egg production. My other suggestion would be to contact an aviary/livestock vet and ask for just a few minutes over the phone. I get if you could get a sympathetic receptionist/tech they'd be happy to relay your story and concerns and might have better suggestions.

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