How To Pick A Roo?


Sep 4, 2015
Hi there! I'm looking for some advice. This is my first time dealing with roosters-and adding to my flock. I got 12 chicks at the very beginning of March. Of the 12-5 are roos. (Two are silkies and they will be separate once I fully integrate so I'm only going to be worrying about 3 for the time being).

Two of the roos are Welsummers...Mr. Ed (formally known as Sunshine but he sounds like a horse...of course).

and Peggy Sue...err...Peggy Dude

I had gotten them as a straight run, and had hoped for at least one hen-but I'm ok with one roo.

Then we have Crimson who was supposed to be a hen. GRR..This is an older pic-I forgot to snap one of him yesterday.

Mr. Ed won't let the girls go out of the coop in the morning and will hog all the berries that fall over night for himself. BUT during the day he is very generous and lets them all get first pic and makes sure everyone is where they should be. I was holding Peggy Dude outside of the run yesterday and Mr. Ed flipped out and was calling to him telling him to come back...and when I put Peggy Dude back in the run Mr. Ed claimed him and stood between him and I....Does that seem like goo roo behavior? Or is his morning greed signs of bad behavior that could get worse?

I am so torn with who to keep-and I highly doubt I can get hubby to make me a bachelor pad-he already installed a skylight and attic fan in the past few weeks (he never wanted chickens-but he does do these awesome things for them without me asking)...I know I can't have 3 roos with all my hens (when they are all together there will be 14 hens) who to keep....any advice would be appreciated...what signs should I be looking for when selecting?? Thanks in advance!
The decision will have to yours..Without seeing the Roosters and knowing how they really act, its too hard to pick one for you. The other Roosters will behave differently once the other Roosters are gone. The one you mentioned calling for the other one is more dominant and might not be the best choice?? Totally your call on this...
That is what I was thinking...He is VERY dominant. But seems to do so in a way that isn't overly violent. I do love the protective nature-which was why I wanted a roo to begin with...

But I am pretty concerned about his morning greed. Maybe Peggy Dude will step up if Mr. Ed is gone. I wonder if a temporary housing for Mr. Ed so we can see what happens with Peggy Dude in Ed's absence. oy! This is tough,.
That is what I was thinking...He is VERY dominant. But seems to do so in a way that isn't overly violent. I do love the protective nature-which was why I wanted a roo to begin with...

But I am pretty concerned about his morning greed. Maybe Peggy Dude will step up if Mr. Ed is gone. I wonder if a temporary housing for Mr. Ed so we can see what happens with Peggy Dude in Ed's absence. oy! This is tough,.

That might be a good idea. That way you will be able to see the true rooster in them.
That is what I was thinking...He is VERY dominant. But seems to do so in a way that isn't overly violent. I do love the protective nature-which was why I wanted a roo to begin with...

But I am pretty concerned about his morning greed. Maybe Peggy Dude will step up if Mr. Ed is gone. I wonder if a temporary housing for Mr. Ed so we can see what happens with Peggy Dude in Ed's absence. oy! This is tough,.
It really has to be your choice...He is just hungry in the morning and is a dominant Rooster.
I think you are probably right-he's probably just really hungry in the morning and then gorges so he can then sit back while the ladies feast...I just don't know how much to expect a personality change in the upcoming months....

I'll test out Peggy Dude for a few days and see what happens...I think Mr. Ed gets along fairly well with my other girls, maybe I'll stick him in with them for a few days while I test it out.

Poor Crimson...he's not even in the running...yet....
I think you are probably right-he's probably just really hungry in the morning and then gorges so he can then sit back while the ladies feast...I just don't know how much to expect a personality change in the upcoming months....

I'll test out Peggy Dude for a few days and see what happens...I think Mr. Ed gets along fairly well with my other girls, maybe I'll stick him in with them for a few days while I test it out.

Poor Crimson...he's not even in the running...yet....
Barred Rocks are known to be calmer if that helps.? does help. But makes it even harder. haha! I wasn't even considering him. buuuttt...I'll be fair and give him a chance as well I suppose. :)

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