How to prepare for necropsy?

Wrap bird in towel, pack bags of ice in bottom and around sides of cooler and place wrapped bird into it (freezer packs work good and won't wet things down) do not freeze bird, keep it slightly above freezing.
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You can freeze or refrigerate the bird, I don't think it would matter as long as it's in the cold it'll stay fine. If you decide to put it in the freezer and want to do the necropsy when you decide, place the bird in the fridge overnight to let it thaw out. I'm sure straight to the fridge is alright as well. I don't see why it wouldn't be.

<- taxidermist
Whenever possible, submission of the entire animal is preferred. Under ideal circumstances, the animal should be submitted as soon as possible after death. If a period of time must elapse prior to submission, the animal should be kept cold, but not frozen. Freezing produces artifacts that make interpretation difficult. Please include a complete clinical history with all submissions. It is most helpful when the attending veterinarian writes the history.

mitx wrote: does the necropsy test for mycoplasma?

If there are gross clinical signs it shouldn't be a problem. I know that here in MO. the culture is extra $

Some info, not specific to MG, from your neck of the woods: - Practical Tips for Pet Bird Sample.pdf
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Depends on where u live and what they are testing for...I have to pay for x-tras but avian flu and shipping are free...I will have to pay for others....

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