How to prepare for the first egg?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 27, 2014
My chickens will turn 16 weeks here soon and I have been told to start looking out for the first egg. I know that it could take up to 20 weeks for a hen to lay her first egg depending on the breed, but I am eager and will probably start checking everyday anyways out of excitement. These are my first ever owned chickens raised from babies. When they do turn 16 weeks should I put golf balls or fake eggs in the egg box to encourage egg laying or to let them get a feel for it? I don't want to encourage any premature egg laying, so I just want to be sure what the proper thing is to do.
Thanks a bunch!!
Watch for their comb/waddles to turn red. They will also start squatting 1-2 weeks before the first egg.

Once you see these signs, put a fake egg or two in the nest box and offer them crushed oyster she'll on the side.
I recommend flockraiser opposed to layer.
I agree

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