How to pronounce?

FOR REAL ? its not like how its spelled ho-va or hoova? It is pro nounced with an er?

Is Hova a breed???? I always thought it was short for "Hovabator" a brand of incubator???????
I showed that to a person I know who spent two years in France and he pronounced it

Dah-ook. With more emphasis on the D than the ah
Mahonri is right about D'Uccle.

If there were an accent over the final e then it would be pronounced dew-clay.

But I have never seen it that way, so I think it is more like "dook" (the le is nearly silent).
D'Uccle, if used with the French pronunciation, would be something like DOO-Kluh (French student for years here) nd the last syllable really is hardly spoken at all, just sort of falls off the tongue, though I usually say Doo-KLAY for a more Americanized version. Some of it depends on what the person who named the breed intended, really.
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