How to quickly beef up a roo?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
I have three Australorp roos who are 17 weeks old. I have finally gotten the go ahead from my dh to try and process them for their meat. We have a friend coming around Labor day weekend to show us how.
These roos are big but not full grown by any stretch. I have them on Starter/grower feed plus cracked corn (they don't seem to like) and BOSS for scratch.
They had been free range until 2 weeks they are confined to a 16' x 16' pen.
They can still fly pretty high so they are not filled out like a full grown Australorp yet.

So here are my questions:
1) Would it be worth it to find some turkey feed and boost their protein for the few weeks they have left? How long does it take for the muscle to pile on?

2) Is there a real difference between a 17 week roo and a 20 week roo in terms of taste and carcass weight?

Thanks for the help
I would get some Meaty Bird or other type of meat bird feed. Nutrena makes Meaty Bird. get something that has at least 20% protein and offer it 24/7

I have never raised cockerels for meat, just the cornish x's But am thinking about raising some next year if we can get the pen ready.
Between 17 and 20 weeks there can be a pretty good difference, and fattening him up with protein and plenty food, plus give him LESS to fly or run around with, however don't expect too much with an Australorp, sorry.
Thanks for the replies.
FYI -The Starter/Grower is 18% protein and I am having a hard time finding anything higher locally.
My usual source for feed told me he sold some pig grower to a fella once who was feeding it to his roosters. Not sure I want to go that route.
Any other ways to boost their protein?
More BOSS...they really gobble that up?
I'm sure your local feedstore sells gamebird feed, yes? That stuff usually starts at 20%. BOSS really helps, plus it adds essential amino acids and improves feather quality. Protein isn't everything though
I have confined the boys to a smaller section of the pen.
I guess my real question is...should I spend the $17 for a 50 pound bag of turkey starter that they will only be eatting for 2 weeks?
I don't think they will eat the whole bag and I'd be left with with a bunch of feed that I don't need.

Will the extra protien in that feed pay for itself in huge weight gains ?

Any ideas?
What % protine is the turkey starter? I'm thinking 2 weeks isn't long enough for it to make a big differance. The meatbird finisher I use is 18% and they do well on it but I have them confined so they aren't running their feed off. If I were you I'd just keep them confined and give them the feed you've got and the BOSS. Oh and since it's starter/grower, make sure it's not medicated. If it is you may have to get another feed if there is a witholding period. Turkey starter is quite likely to be medicated too.

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