How to RAISE a good rooster.

My roosters aren't afraid of me. They just know to keep a respectful distance. The one I have right now will walk toward me when I'm out with the flock. Not in a threatening way or anything, just moseys my direction. When I think he's close enough, I walk toward him and he moseys the other way. I can get close enough to catch him with a net if I have to. I lift him off the roost now and then, just so he knows it can happen on occasion and he doesn't freak out.
Yes, that is how my birds are as well.
You can go many different ways with a rooster. OP didn't specify in her post which way she wanted to take her flock, so I don't think any way here is wrong in the context of the thread.

Personally, I would agree with Havoc. There's a difference between a scared bird and a respectful one. Birds can also be flighty without being afraid, and lots of people mix the two definitions up.

I don't want mine to constantly follow me around and sit on my lap, but I want to be able to walk near enough to him to gauge his health without him blowing up.
I can walk right next to my mature roosters. A respectful rooster moves off about 10 feet away from you, gives you his side, and may flap his wings. A problem rooster will face you square on, and look for ways to get behind you, or plain just come at you. My roosters need to understand who I am in the relationship. I'm not a chicken, I'm not to be dominated.

Mine only run further if I'm after them. Otherwise they come forward for treats and snack. My roosters aren't afraid of me, just respectful.
How many roosters have you had in all your life? If all you do is handle them once in a blue moon to move them around and then to eat them you have no idea whether they are friendly or not.

I’ve had over 100 roosters throughout seasons. If a rooster actively attacks at first sight then that is an aggressive rooster. If they move away from you they are not aggressive. Common sense ya know.
How many roosters have you had in all your life? If all you do is handle them once in a blue moon to move them around and then to eat them you have no idea whether they are friendly or not.
I think a person would know if their rooster is "friendly" or not if they know their flock. A "friendly" rooster in my opinion is OK with being petted and handled and doesn't attack its humans. Not everyone wants or feels the need to have a friendly rooster. I would rather have a rooster that does his job (being the flock master) than constantly under food, waiting for handouts from his human.
They can’t do that very well in a net. Lol. Now if you walk up to him in a pen he sure can.
Right, sorry, I forgot to take into account the differing coop/range layouts we probably have in mind. I was thinking of a free-range situation with a walk-in coop.
What about a rooster that will flog you when your hands are within reaching distance of him?
If I am reaching for him, I wouldn't necessarily call that aggressive. It might be that he feels threatened, although I have never had one flog me as I'm reaching toward it, so I can't really say. If he came toward me to flog, then yes - I call that aggressive.

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