How to RAISE a good rooster.

We're in the middle of a blizzard - mine aren't interested in going out of the coop right now. But we do get the stampede in the mornings when we let them out to free range! :lau

What we can all take from this is that people have different methods that work for them when raising roosters. No one will be right as the solid way of raising one.
No, it’s a natural reaction. Aggressive is hackles raised and ready to fight.
I call that fear aggression. My definition of aggression is "behaviours intended to cause physical damage towards the target". No motive included. Not saying your way is 'wrong'... just pointing out a terminology difference that may not be universal. :thumbsup
I've found a pretty good niche, lots of Latinos around here that will take a cockrel in a skinny minute either for dinner or a nice big boy to plump up their own flock hatches.
I don't get too many aggressive boys, but I DO get more than my fair share that don't have a libido off switch.
They're French though, they can't help it ...C'est la vie.;)
Hey, to each their own. I don’t have many around who will take one. I’m actually one of the few in ten miles that raise chickens. Good business and I get to barter eggs for fresh cows milk.
I call that fear aggression. My definition of aggression is "behaviours intended to cause physical damage towards the target". No motive included. Not saying your way is 'wrong'... just pointing out a terminology difference that may not be universal. :thumbsup

Definite difference in terminology! I look at animal behavior from a biologist’s standpoint. My views will not always translate to people who haven’t studied it. Again not saying anyone is wrong, just different ways of viewing it. I appreciate your view too!
Definite difference in terminology! I look at animal behavior from a biologist’s standpoint. My views will not always translate to people who haven’t studied it. Again not saying anyone is wrong, just different ways of viewing it. I appreciate your view too!
That'd do it. I'm about as far from an educated biologist as one can get. :lol:

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