How to RAISE a good rooster.

This is the rooster (or cockerel I guess since he's small) in question by the way. Just thought I'd show him off.
Yeah, he is. According to all the posts here though, it's to early to tell if he'll stay that way.

He's only ever pecked my mom once when she was holding him, and she rubbed his comb and wattles a bunch (I don't know if that works) but he didn't do it again.
When I am getting bit, if I am holding a rooster, I don't react, I just push the beak off then, do like your mom, hug them or pet their face. A baby with new teeth may try to take a bite to get a reaction, too. They are learning their place. As chicks they do like a reaction from other chicks, they try jumping off things to scare the other chicks. Even a bully hen will attack another hen to hear her squawk. Nope don't give it to them.
I didn't know you were supposed to be aloof with young roos, I hope I haven't raised a bad boy myself. He's 8 weeks, but I didn't know he was a roo unto he began to feather at about 4 weeks and I coddled him a lot as he was very weak. Just now he actually got attacked by my big hen, and I was holding him in my arms to put some ointment on his wounds and he began falling asleep. He has no fear of me, which I guess now could be worrying. When he hits bird puberty would he get more aggressive because I've handled him a lot? I hope he doesn't become human aggressive later, as I am giving him to my aunt, I don't want to give her a roo that will attack her.
To say all roosters are mean, is like saying all pitbulls are bad. And for one person to say the only way to do something, is their way is close minded. I have had roosters for 45 years and have only good things to say. But I am a bit of a chicken whisper-er myself. :cool:
Like Turkeys

I did not read through all 198 posts. I apologize if I am redundant

I have two roosters that are about 1 year of age. I have 6 hens with them but we have just added another 5 hens and split our coop so each roo can have his own flock. This is due to fighting (not much of a fight because the Orp rules the roost , coop and any other space where his girls are).

I treat my roosters no different than my hens. We have always held all of the birds equal amounts of time. My neighbor has small children (less than 3) that can walk freely around all of my birds. When our birds are let our to free range we can walk up and pick boys and girls up the same. At anytime you can walk past the boys with no aggression. We can pick the girls up and walk away with them with no reaction from either of them. My 12 year old daughter can walk into the coop at anytime and handle the boys.

I will say that if at anytime the boys are a "threat" to anyone they will be re-homed.

My only dominance towards them is not backing away or acting scared. I have never been pecked by my Orp. At times he will rush out of the coop but if any of us stand and hold our ground he just looks up at us like "I'll go around". My Bielefelder has pecked me a time or two when I'm putting him up. I either grab him by the back or neck and hold him firmly for a second or two. Outside of that I've never had a problem. Sometimes colors will throw the boys off. If I wear shoes with red in them they seem to react a little different.

IMO what works for one bird might not work for another. They each have individual personalities and traits that you will be able to see as they mature. My birds are both large fowl that typically have good temperaments. My birds are from a breeder not a hatchery.

There are far more knowledgeable people than myself that have answered your question that have years of experience. I am just providing my experience.
also conditions could play a role in behavior

how much space do you have

how many other birds do you have and what are their ages

has anyone provoked negative behavior towards him

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