How to reduce high blood pressure? Ideas needed, please!

Soda is full of caffeine too, deep breathing is wonderful, my daughter swears by it. Whoopi Goldberg said one time when asked how she lost her weight, was walking. She walked one way until she started getting tired, then turned around and walked home. I thought that made sense at the time, not that I have done it. I would imagine that alcohol plays a role in BP too. My husband is on terrifically strong medications for high BP, did your parents have it in later life? It's also an inherited factor. Good Luck, I know how distressing it is to always feel good and have good readings and then boom, one day its a different story. Another thing you should do, if you haven't and I don't know if anyone mentioned it or not, but buy a blood pressure cuff and take it at home. You could also have what my husband has to a degree, and that is "white coat syndome". Just get near someone medical and up it goes. Take it at home, write it down and keep a log for the next time you see the doctor. Another tip, and a very important one, DO NOT stop taking the medication, because that could be very dangerous and do more harm than good. You have to be gradually weaned off of it. Ain't gettin' old grand? Guess it beats the alternative though doesn't it!!!!
Watch your Potassium level. 1-3 good 3-6 to high anyhing above is getting in the danger zone and Potassium can stop your heart(won't have to wory about your B/P then, but really don't recommend that) DH was having kidney problems and his potassium level was 10, thought the kidney dr was gonna put him in the hospital them(he only has 32 % of His heart )I take ACV in my rasberry tea for mine and its working great. If your Dr. Prescribes meds you can't afford, call the co that puts them out, most of them have a program that will pay for it. Let us know how your doing Marrie
Use salt sparingly only in cooking... none on your plate.

Exercise and weight loss..... loss weight at 2lb per week and it will stay off.

Drink plenty of water.... no fizzy drinks.....

Have one small glass of red wine at dinner.... (good for the heart)

Also have your cholesterol checked, if you have high cholesterol that will not be good for your BP either.......

Good luck...
Yarrow, it will increase low blood pressure and also decrease high blood Tincture, tea, it grows wild and usually grows in your yard if your body needs it. I have low bp and its all over my yard;) I dry some for winter tea and put some fresh in baggies in the freezer, too. Its a very useful plant, the lacy leaves when rubbed on a misquito bite will ensure you don't know you were ever bit.
My mom has high BP and swears by the fresh garlic,avc daily,low salt,small meals and small healthy snacks every few hours.She has lost weight,controlled the blood sugar and brought the BP down as well.The best thing along with the above is quiet prayer time.Ive lost 65 lbs with weight watchers if you email me I will send you some of the basics for it,perhaps that would help..
First and foremost remember White Coat syndrome. Just the thought of your blood pressure being high can drive it up there.
Do you have a local EMS agency/Fire Dept closeby? They may check your blood pressure on a regular basis for you for free.

Start simple...take inventory of your eating habits/exercise habits/weight.

Cut back on processed foods that have a lot of salt already in them. Dont add salt if you can get by without it.

Cut back on sodas. Switch to decaf or half and half.

Take a walk a few times a week and increase the distance and frequency.

Get a divorce from Mickey D's....Hardees... or make them a treat and not a staple.

Do you smoke? Smoking causes vessel constriction and worsens high blood pressure.

Does/did your mom and dad have high blood pressure...siblings?

Either way....if you want to successfully treat...make changes slowly and reasonably so you will be able to stick to it.
Talk to your doctor about prescribing the cheaper meds that are on the $4 plan at Krogers/Wal Mart.

Have your Blood pressure checked about the same time each day, preferably in the morning.

Good luck....
Easy does it , eat No bacon and get to eat more healthy fruits and veggies,.dont smoke. and
take 2 tablespoons of acv in a 4 oz, -6 oz glass of grape juice.
everyday. make it a habit. then have your pressure checked after 2 weeks.
Weight loss is #1. You said you already don't eat a lot of salt so I would not worry about that. You should be able to check your BP in drug stores for free; they all have machines by the pharmacy around here. Walking is the easiest exercise. Maybe get a dog you have to walk? And tackle whatever is so stressful in your life, somehow. I imagine the weight and the stress are the biggest causes of your problem.
Thank you all for your imput, please continue to add more advice. This is an issue for so many of us, and we all need good ideas & encouragement to lead more healthy lives.

I know my heaviness isn't due to eating junk or fast food or from guzzling sodas or tea. But this really caught my attention:
Sigh. This is going to be difficult and cause a really drastic change in my lifestyle, but if it will improve my health then I will simply have to...

...go to bed at 5PM!
Seriously now, I believe you're right and I will start to limit/eliminate what I eat before bed. The trouble has been with Mister's crazy work schedule we don't sit down for regular meals, each of us eats when we're hungry, or whenever we can. I often run around doing things and neglect to eat until late at night, often right before bed. So I will now try to plan my days better & have a good meal before the evening chores, and try to eat nothing else until morning.

Beekissed, you also gave advice that was really helpful to me. I will try to get a good night's rest every night (okay, no more late night BYC forum!) and try to keep my mind in pleasant places. I've been going though a lot of troubles lately, and spend too much time feeling resentful towards the folks who are causing the trouble, many of them in my own immediate family. I know I need to stop carrying those grudges & hurts around, to forgive & go on, it's apparant they're affecting my health.

I've been taking my BP at a local grocery store and it's been much better than the readings I got at the doctor's. On the high end of normal or the low end of high-normal.
Could the machine be inaccurate or am I secretly made nervous in doctors' offices?

And would I get an accurate reading if I checked my BP in the middle of exercise? Because the grocery store is about 10 miles away from home. I was thinking of putting my bicycle in the van and parking at ever increasing distances from the store. Then I could get out, ride to the store & check my BP (something the doctor recommended I check daily) and ride back to the van. Each day or two I could attempt longer distances until I could ride the whole way from my house to the store & back again. Does that sound like a good plan?

Today I got a good workout while helping at my church, we unloaded a huge tractor-trailer full of pumpkins for our pumpkin patch. Pumpin' pumpkins! (A side bonus was taking home a dozen cracked pumpkins for my chickens!) I just had a good dinner & won't eat any more this evening. And now I'll relieve even more tension & go out and gaze lovingly at the baby chicks & ducks in my yard.

God bless you all for your support & advice, may you be well & healthy too!
You dont want to check your blood pressure during exercise.

Yes,,,,going to the doctor can raise your pressure by the "white coat sydrome" which is that inner fear of doctors offices.

You need to avoid the "gung ho" approach and just start your exercise with what you can handle. How did you fare with the Pumpkins...did it wear you out...did you have to stop a lot to catch your breath????

Also remember.....bp reading equipment is all want your readings from the same machine....The little 50cent jobbers that you stick your finger in at Walmart dont count. I cant tell you the number of people that come to the ER scared to death because they got a high reading on one of those machines. The best reading and most dependable is one that is taken with a manual bp cuff and a stethoscope.

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