How to rid mites in coop,


8 Years
Dec 8, 2012
Wyoming Minnesota
I noticed some mites in our coop; is there something I can spray all over, after I clean it out? What works best? Any other suggestions?
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I noticed some mites in our coop; is there something I can spray all over, after I clean it out? What works best? Any other suggestions?
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Clean it all out and use permethrin spray concentrate diluted in a spray bottle. Get in every nook and cranny. Let dry for 2 hours before letting your birds in there. Best of luck!
Below is for Northern Fowl Mites. If Red Mites are the issue, which they might be in your case, I believe the re-treatment time is shorter, around 5 days, and you'd want to emphasize treating coop over birds.

For the coop - Clear out all the bedding. Burn it or otherwise bag up and dispose of it. Spray all surfaces (though I skipped the ceiling and top parts of wall though, because my coop peak is too tall) and crevices with liquid permethrin, including roost bars and nests. After it all dries, put in new bedding (I made sure to do my spraying early in the day, so it was mostly dry by late afternoon so the chickens could go back in).

For the chickens - Dust with permethrin powder or spray with liquid under belly, under wings, on back, around base of neck, around vent. If they're getting them on their heads (which you may see scabbing around comb or even eyes if it's bad), I'd carefully pat some around the base of the comb or just behind the head, but I wouldn't spray them directly in the face.

You'll need to treat again in around 7 to 10-ish days, as permethrin doesn't kill eggs. Recheck in another 7-10 days and if needed, treat again (but if it's a light or moderate infestation, that shouldn't be necessary).

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