How to safely add one EE pullet to 6 month old pullets?

A single bird is the hardest integration. I think it might be better to separate a middle of the flock bird from your flock, and put her with the new one. They will squabble, but should settle down. Leave them together for another week. People who do chickens seriously call this a canary bird, as this bird can test the resistance of the flock to anything the new bird might be carrying. But in this case, I am suggesting that it is easier to introduce a pair of birds to an established flock.

Mrs K
I guess it all comes down to how they all react to this one single pullet. It would of been nice if the man would of replaced even one cockerel! He was adamant that they were pullets!
Pullets don't act like cockerels! The two I returned were cockerels. They were fighting and making that rooster sound for the only pullet when I put treats on the floor for them.
I do not want to pick up another young pullet this late in the year. I can already see so far, this young pullet is healthy. I dusted her for mites last week and had her on apple cider vinegar the first week.
I understand the quarantine for 30 days. I just feel that I am adding more stress to this pullet by keeping her alone than the stress she would be under in a crate in my coop and run.
My coop and run are like fort Knox! Nothing can get in, or out!
Thanks too everyone that has commented!
Chickens are tough birds. I just hope it doesn't take them too long to adjust to the new pullet.

I have found a Lavender Orpington that is roughly the same age as my Easter egger.
I pick her up today.
I will quarantine another few weeks.
I can separate the Orpington and EE in a look but don't touch pen till they get along.
I will then transfer the two new ones to a look but don't touch pen in my coop.

Its always a gamble when you try to introduce new hens to an existing flock.
Most times it works, or so I was told!


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