How to spot leg problems in Ducklings??

Awesome thanks! We are doing bath time soon then an epson compress then bath time once more before bed.

Epsom salts , magnesium sulphate , are an absolute must in every first aid box. Even a warm bath with the ES dissolved in it would be effective. I keep it on hand in case of poisoning, use it in founder cases with horses and goats and soak in it myself after a hard day. It is also useful in treatment for gout in chickens.
And scaley leg mite , as a pre soaker before application of Vaseline, oil etc.
She seems to do fine in the water.. I'm really worried about her, she is my favorite =/
I was going to update and say she is doing much better but it seems like 2 steps forward one step back. Last night she was walking much better but this morning she is limping again. I'm guessing she re injured it either taking the tape off (she was still walking "crooked") or one of the others injured her which is likely with the other duckling. If I had an extra heat lamp I would think of secluding her to prevent injury.
I was going to update and say she is doing much better but it seems like 2 steps forward one step back. Last night she was walking much better but this morning she is limping again. I'm guessing she re injured it either taking the tape off (she was still walking "crooked") or one of the others injured her which is likely with the other duckling. If I had an extra heat lamp I would think of secluding her to prevent injury.
She maybe over working it running around with the others, is there anyway you can separate the brooder so she can still be with her buds but not be so rambunctious and that way maybe they could share the lamp, and still get into the tub all together.
She maybe over working it running around with the others, is there anyway you can separate the brooder so she can still be with her buds but not be so rambunctious and that way maybe they could share the lamp, and still get into the tub all together.
No, we tried that already and it doesn't work.

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