how to start a emu resturant

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Herbivores have flat teeth. Carnivores have sharp teeth. Omnivores have a combination of flat and sharp teeth. Take a look at your teeth and tell me what you see. You may choose to be a vegetarian or only eat meat once a month but thousands of years of evolution has designed humans to be omnivores.
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Albert Einstein was Jewish, if he kept a kosher kitchen he probably wouldn't have eaten emu, definitely not anything off a pig, and some kinds of seafood. I don't know the precise criteria but animals with a certain kind of hoof - are considered not kosher, as are sea food I believe that don't have scales.
Meat is not neccecary, nutrients are, which can be obtained through eggs and milk and plants
I agree that these are really great for kids, but I also think that making sure my kids get the most nutrient dense foods that I can provide for them are available. I cannot afford the farmers market. I can't afford to change how I eat. My animals are my partners and friends, even if I do eat them. I apologise for insinuating about city living, so forgive me that one. I make barely above minimum wage, and most of my assets are in my land and animals, so I have very little left for the farmers market, which only runs here for about 4 months of the year due to our extreme weather. This is the best I can do for my family, it's what I know to be right for us.
Do you have teeth?  Herbivores have flat teeth.  Carnivores have sharp teeth. Omnivores have a combination of flat and sharp teeth.  Take a look at your teeth and tell me what you see.  You may choose to be a vegetarian or only eat meat once a month but thousands of years of evolution has designed humans to be omnivores.

You had to say evolution didn't you?
See there is not proof of evolution, where are the millions of missing links between whatever you thing humans came from, and humans? Apes? There's billions of apes, and billions of humans, so where's everything in the middle?
If you needed it to survive, and you didn't have it, you would not survive enough to reproduce, therefore nothing would exist to evolve.
I didn't say evolution!

Not meee!
I know better
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So take out the word evolution. That doesn't change the way our teeth are. It doesn't change the fact that omnivores have flat and sharp teeth for eating plants and meat.
Excerpt from this site:

Interesting reading ....

“Although most of us conduct our lives as omnivores, in that we eat flesh as well as vegetables and fruits, human beings have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores. The appendages of carnivores are claws; those of herbivores are hands or hooves. The teeth of carnivores are sharp; those of herbivores are mainly flat (for grinding). The intestinal tract of carnivores is short (3 times body length); that of herbivores, long (12 times body length). Body cooling of carnivores is done by panting; herbivores, by sweating. Carnivores drink fluids by lapping; herbivores, by sipping. Carnivores produce their own vitamin C, whereas herbivores obtain it from their diet. Thus, humans have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores.”

Further excerpt: The last thing I want to point out is actually a very sad thing. A characteristic that is unique to herbivores and not in carnivores, and it’s a problem in humans. It’s something that Dr. Roberts pointed out as well:
“Atherosclerosis affects only herbivores. Dogs, cats, tigers, and lions can be saturated with fat and cholesterol, and atherosclerotic plaques do not develop.”
That’s right. Carnivores and omnivores — animals who are designed to eat other animals — can eat all the animals and animal products they want and they never develop atherosclerosis, which are plaques of cholesterol coating our vessels that can occlude the blood flow that goes to our heart and brain [and] cause heart attacks and strokes.
Cholesterol in our diet is only present in animal products, and we don’t need to consume any of it because our body synthesizes already all of the cholesterol that we need for all of our biologic needs. Animals that are not designed to eat meat, like herbivores including humans, do develop atherosclerosis. We do develop this problematic coating of cholesterol in our arteries, and we do it big time. Atherosclerosis is ubiquitous on a Western diet with animal products since very early in our lives.
We really do end up paying a price for behaving like omnivores, when we are biologically designed as herbivores. Thank you very much.
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I agree that these are really great for kids, but I also think that making sure my kids get the most nutrient dense foods that I can provide for them are available. I cannot afford the farmers market. I can't afford to change how I eat. My animals are my partners and friends, even if I do eat them. I apologise for insinuating about city living, so forgive me that one. I make barely above minimum wage, and most of my assets are in my land and animals, so I have very little left for the farmers market, which only runs here for about 4 months of the year due to our extreme weather. This is the best I can do for my family, it's what I know to be right for us.

I'm very sorry, it's different when it's absolutely nessecary, I'm sorry, I wish you would have said that before, but I don't support it if people raise them for meat specifically, when they have the recourses to be better. I just God upset because he/she said that "it's not wrong to slaughter an emu for meat" but I've seen some of his posts and he raises his for meat specifically when he does not have to, which I can't honestly be happy about it even calm about. Some people think it's pathetic and weak to say that it's not right to kill animals if you don't have to but I've been around a large array of animals and almost all animals that are farmed for meat in the U.S. And every single one has a unique personality and they just want a life, cows are like big socially awkward dogs, pigs are like cats that want to be dogs, and poultry are like cats that like you but try to hide it,
They just want to be happy but people think that they don't have feelings and it would make sense but if all people do is see them as food, they don't care to realize that just because you can eat it, doesn't mean that you have to. Sorry for blabbing, but I will pray for your family and wish you the best :)
Chimps eat meat, and are ritually cannabalistic. This does not make them carnivores, but omnivores. We are, in fact, omnivores. Our brains require it for proper growth and development. vitamin A, while available in the pre cursory as beta carotene, is much easier to absorb in the animal form of retinol for us humans, meaning liver, milk products, headcheese and other sweetmeats. Lard from pasture raised pork, specifically visceral fat from around the kidneys, is a very good source of vitamin D, also found in high levels in liver, especially fermented cod liver oil from cold water cod. Skate fish also produce a high quality fish liver oil.
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