How To Start a Poultry Club and Get Sanctioned Shows


13 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Memphis, TN
We're a bit isolated up here in Alaska. I don't know anyone locally, in fact, that has ever participated in sanctioned poultry shows. BUT, we'd like to get that going up here. What do we have to do to get a club sanctioned and start bringing up an APA poultry judge that could also, perhaps, do a seminar or something educational for the members on their visit here? Our state fair in August would be willing to work with us on this, so we'd have a good venue and all.
Develop your club & join the APA as an "Associate Member". That makes you eligable to conduct sanctioned shows. APA Judges will judge non-sanctioned shows but exhibitors won't earn any exhibitor points.
I know an APA Judge who'd love to come to Alaska to judge your show. This particular Judge has conducted a number of poultry related seminars & would be happy to develop a presentation to meet your needs & interests. Can you guess who it is?
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Our fair uses an APA sanctioned judge but is not an APA sanctioned show. That might be an option for you if you want to try to kick off something for August, and then move towards sanctioning for next year.

I'm a bit of a heretic here, but unless you're going to run enough shows in Alaska to create a circuit for points, I'm not sure APA exhibitor points will be that important to start. Once you get a critical mass of exhibitors, you can make a small circuit that has club year end awards as well.

You might see if you can survey your potential exhibitors and see what kind of show they'd like to attend - more formal, or something where the judge talks more about each bird, perhaps something with some seminars or other learning opportunities.

Good luck!
All "sanctioning" requires is a $25 associate membership-not a big deal at all.
All "sanctioning" requires is a $25 associate membership-not a big deal at all.
Its to small community and to far for folks to do this..If showing is you thing ..Then by all mean show your pretty birds.
I for one don't need a JUDGE to tell me how my birds look. just to earn some points. What do you do with those points..? I guess those points could buy you feed for all winter.
Let see it would cost me over $150 for gas, just to get to Anchorage. Then hotel stay for 2 night about 200$ plus. that is not the cost of food or anything related. Plus the time of yr to do this would be summer months only. May thru August. Traveling to Anchorage in any other month is way too cold for bird Who has a room to carry many birds to a show,because just one bird would be crazy to enter .I would need a van with room for family, luggage and birds. Most I have talked to say its just to spendy to do. With most peeps using utility birds. NYRED would love to come to Alaska. I think he would be disappointed. Most have hatchery birds..He love those hatchery birds,,, Right Red . IMHO... Peace...
Its to small  community and to far for folks to do this..If showing is you thing ..Then by all mean show your pretty birds.
I for one don't need a JUDGE to tell me how my birds look. just to earn some points. What do you do with those points..? I guess those points could buy you feed for all winter.
Let see  it would cost me over $150 for gas, just to get to Anchorage. Then hotel stay for 2 night about 200$ plus. that  is not the cost of food or anything related. Plus the time of  yr to do this would be summer months only. May thru August. Traveling to Anchorage in any other month is way too cold for bird  Who has a room to carry many birds to a show,because just one bird would be crazy to enter .I would need a van with room for family, luggage and birds. Most I have talked to say its just to spendy to do. With most peeps using utility birds. NYRED would love to come to Alaska. I think he would be disappointed. Most have hatchery birds..He love those hatchery birds,,, Right Red . IMHO... Peace...

I have no interest in points. I just want to learn more about my birds and how to breed them to be better. I don't give a flip if there's anyone else with the breed showing, I just want someone that's seen lots of birds of the breed and is skilled in evaluating them to get their hands on the birds and give me their comments.

The naysayers are really bumming me out. Many would have said the same thing about the rabbit shows in the state but there are a group of dedicated people that do just what you say, and having an outlet such as the shows had helped grow the fancy in the state and inspired people to pursue better stock and breed good animals instead of just the meat mutts and yard rabbits.

So, if you don't want to participate, then don't. But it doesn't help anyone to go around trying to squash the whole thing.
Develop your club & join the APA as an "Associate Member". That makes you eligable to conduct sanctioned shows. APA Judges will judge non-sanctioned shows but exhibitors won't earn any exhibitor points.
I know an APA Judge who'd love to come to Alaska to judge your show. This particular Judge has conducted a number of poultry related seminars & would be happy to develop a presentation to meet your needs & interests. Can you guess who it is?

Would you like for me to see if we can get you in to judge our state fair at the end of August?! I'd love to meet you and pick your brain!
I have no interest in points. I just want to learn more about my birds and how to breed them to be better. I don't give a flip if there's anyone else with the breed showing, I just want someone that's seen lots of birds of the breed and is skilled in evaluating them to get their hands on the birds and give me their comments.

The naysayers are really bumming me out. Many would have said the same thing about the rabbit shows in the state but there are a group of dedicated people that do just what you say, and having an outlet such as the shows had helped grow the fancy in the state and inspired people to pursue better stock and breed good animals instead of just the meat mutts and yard rabbits.

So, if you don't want to participate, then don't. But it doesn't help anyone to go around trying to squash the whole thing.
No one is squashing anything Rachel... peruse with the utmost vigor. I was looking @ it from a realist point of view. And thinking out loud.I am sure this would work great.. Good luck
Its to small community and to far for folks to do this..If showing is you thing ..Then by all mean show your pretty birds.
I for one don't need a JUDGE to tell me how my birds look. just to earn some points. What do you do with those points..? I guess those points could buy you feed for all winter.
Let see it would cost me over $150 for gas, just to get to Anchorage. Then hotel stay for 2 night about 200$ plus. that is not the cost of food or anything related. Plus the time of yr to do this would be summer months only. May thru August. Traveling to Anchorage in any other month is way too cold for bird Who has a room to carry many birds to a show,because just one bird would be crazy to enter .I would need a van with room for family, luggage and birds. Most I have talked to say its just to spendy to do. With most peeps using utility birds. NYRED would love to come to Alaska. I think he would be disappointed. Most have hatchery birds..He love those hatchery birds,,, Right Red . IMHO... Peace...

Sorry, no, the points won't pay for your feed. or anything else. Exhibiting poultry, like mant hobbies makes sense to the people who do it but not always to others. Myself I don't understand why anyone would want to spens a Saturday playing golf. I tried it & it was the most boring thing they ever did.
The costs you outlined aren't out of line with what people spend to go to some shows. Every couple of years I go to a show in Ohio. I drive about 13 hous to get there, spend 2 nights in a hotel & pay for meals & othe incidental expenses. All to show a few chickens-one year I only took a single bird.
People who show chickes or dogs or horses or orchids or anything else do it because they enjoy it. There are a few who actually turn a small profit from selling breeding & show stock. Most don't come close to breaking even but for most it's not a commercial venture it's a passtime.
You say you don't need a JUDGE to tell you how your birds look & that's true, you don't. Sounds like you have birds for production So appearance isn't an issue for you. However, since apparently at least one other person in Alaska, the OP, is interested I'm not sure why you felt your input was needed. You're not interested in showing, fine, I think the poultry world will somehow survive without you. What I don't understand is why you felt the need to attempt to be sarcastic & condescending about the whole thing. I say attempt as you'r not literate enough for your attempt to have been successful. Really: did you even read back what you wrote? Your grammer is attrocious.
Sorry, no, the points won't pay for your feed. or anything else. Exhibiting poultry, like mant hobbies makes sense to the people who do it but not always to others. Myself I don't understand why anyone would want to spens a Saturday playing golf. I tried it & it was the most boring thing they ever did.
The costs you outlined aren't out of line with what people spend to go to some shows. Every couple of years I go to a show in Ohio. I drive about 13 hous to get there, spend 2 nights in a hotel & pay for meals & othe incidental expenses. All to show a few chickens-one year I only took a single bird.
People who show chickes or dogs or horses or orchids or anything else do it because they enjoy it. There are a few who actually turn a small profit from selling breeding & show stock. Most don't come close to breaking even but for most it's not a commercial venture it's a passtime.
You say you don't need a JUDGE to tell you how your birds look & that's true, you don't. Sounds like you have birds for production So appearance isn't an issue for you. However, since apparently at least one other person in Alaska, the OP, is interested I'm not sure why you felt your input was needed. You're not interested in showing, fine, I think the poultry world will somehow survive without you. What I don't understand is why you felt the need to attempt to be sarcastic & condescending about the whole thing. I say attempt as you'r not literate enough for your attempt to have been successful. Really: did you even read back what you wrote? Your grammer is attrocious.
I heartily second this. I've never shown animals but have known those who did. It's their hobby/obsession, and it's what they spend their time and $ on. If you've got a judge with this much experience who's willing, and at least a handful of competitors, I say go for it! As Rachel said, lots of things like this started small, and groundswell to larger events.

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