How to start with fertile eggs?

they weren't shipped eggs, but I did have to drive over an hour to pick them up, then when I was informed that i had to go pick up my boy from his cousins house, which was an hour or so from where I was and is about 2 hours from my house, so they rode around in the cold a/c truck for probably 4 hours.
LG's can be boogers. I usely wont try to adjust for a low temp say it drops to 97,9 I just wait and see , usually it wii go back up in sevral hours no harm done a few degees lower sometimes is less hurtfull then the other way round , also if i have to adjust i make shue i do it when i have sevral hours wre i can check in evry thirty or so minutes
yeah, i felt terrible. This time i'm not gonna touch the temp after it's set. I'm gonna plug it in tomorrow with the egg turner and make sure i've got the temp right.
We try to keep the eggs at around 18c.

There is a little more detail on the website Instructables. Also a lot more Poultry ideas.

Just yesterday, this is what the Site Editor said in an email to me.

"Your Photos Instructable Pre-Incubation Egg Turner has been selected to be on the Front Page by one of our editors! Look for it on the Front Page!
Being on the Front Page means we think your projects fit the kind of content we love on the site."
Got my eggs in today
, they are sitting out on the counter small side down. They came with some instructions to let them sit for 12 hours before putting in the incubator. So that's what I'll do. They will go in tonight at 10.

I was reading the instructions for the eggs, it says to candle them before putting them in the incubator to check on the air cell. Then after I candle them to take room temp water and dip each egg and place egg in ready incubator. Why do I need to dip them in water?
I candled the eggs before i put them in the incubator, I only saw 3 air cells and 1 of those was loose. I might just not have seen the rest. They're all in the incubator. Will candle them again at day 3 to see if there's any development.
I was reading the instructions for the eggs, it says to candle them before putting them in the incubator to check on the air cell. Then after I candle them to take room temp water and dip each egg and place egg in ready incubator. Why do I need to dip them in water?
This is the first time I heard of dipping them in water. I always try NOT to get them wet! Candling makes sense though...

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