How to tame an aggressive rooster?

I can understand your desire to keep him. But, once a rooster has become human aggressive it's hard to turn him around, though some roosters can be successfully rehabbed. You need to establish dominance over him. Search the threads: there is the "peg him to the ground" method. There is the chase him with a stick method. You don't hit him with the stick, but use it to "guide" him in the direction you want him to go. There is the "restrain him in your arms in a football hold, and use your other hand to tuck his head down. keep doing this until he voluntarily keeps his head down." All of these ideas were picked up by researching the threads for excellent teaching by other flocksters. I routinely chase my roo away from the hens and the food bowl. If he mounts a hen in my presence, he gets an immediate flying lesson. My 7 y.o. has been instructed to chase him daily. I will end with a question for you: Why are you keeping him? For breeding? An aggressive rooster is very likely to produce aggressive chicks. Do you want to breed that into your flock? Can he be replaced with a rooster who is not human aggressive??
Thanks, that really helped!

We are keeping him for a pet and protecting the hens from hawks and other predators. We all like him a lot, and we want him to stay.
Honestly if you want a roo that you don't have to protect yourself from then you probably want to find a new roo.
I can understand getting attached, especially when they are such sweet babies, but once hormones kick in your sweet baby can really do damage.

A mean roo can't be a pet, and can really do damage, and if he hurts any children on your property then you are responsible. Personally I have small children and once a roo becomes aggressive he is gone, usually to the table, because re-homing an aggressive bird makes them someone elses liability.

One thing about it, roos are fairly easy to get once you start looking for one, good luck.
Yes. The thing about the children is the most important.Thanks!
I tell my children that we take care of our chickens until it is time for them to take care of us. We have processed dozens and none of them have suffered, we use the cone method and I would stake my own life on the fact that those roos don't even know what happened. I would much rather myself humanly and quickly dispatch our aggressive roos than a factory not even kill them before scalding. I will not tolerate a mean roo that could injure my children, at the same time I won't have him suffer. Dispatch them quickly and make use of their necessary death, is my way of thinking.
I see your point of view. :)

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