How to "Tame" or discipline the rooster


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
Monadnock Region, NH
Our rooster is mean! When we first got him he wasn't so bad, and actually the hens were a bit mean to him and wouldn't let him get any of the scraps we threw out to them. But within a month or so he got all big and tough and has come after me and my husband. They're in a coop so he's not chasing us around the yard, but when we go to feed them or try to do anything in the coop he'll sort of attack us. He left a bruise on the back of my leg, and he clawed my husband's ankle. At first we thought of killing it, but we haven't done it yet. We keep giving him another chance. Is there anything we could do to show him who's boss and that he can't get away with it? Or is he a lost cause and we should plan on a freezer full of rooster? Thanks!
ice lilly,
I'm no expert, but I have a rooster that's not the nicest fellow around and we've had some rounds, he and I. Perhaps there's merit in the tips link fowlafoot sent, but truth is, if all you've got's a foot when a rooster's coming at you, by all means use it! That's not to say you should go kicking your roo around. As for hand feeding, that's just asking for trouble. I tried that once and now I can safely say that a pair of rooster feet to the hand'll make you numb clear up to the elbow for a good 10 minutes! No thanks! I read somewhere that you should never let your rooster mate the hens when you're around. That keeps you as the dominant rooster in his eyes. I keep an old broom handy - you know the kind, useless for sweeping but you can't seem to throw it out - and whenever I'm out with the chickens I keep it with me and use it to push him off of them if he tries mating. The broom's also just plain handy if he decides to cross me - keeps him at a distance but doesn't hurt him. I never go into the chicken yard without something to put between us, even if it's just a bucket. I still can't trust him and don't ever expect to, but at least we seem to have a truce going for now and I'm not afraid of him.
Before you make a final decision to cull the roo, please go to the search on this site and search "mean rooster". There are some GREAT ideas and articles to help keep the roo in line.

Here is one article.

I will tell you, however, from experience, that some roo's will not behave. We culled our roo just last week. He began attacking me every time I went near the coop. I had tried everything suggest. Some are just too hard headed! He make good dumplings though!

Good luck with your roo!
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Hi. I have great success giving mean geese or roosters "love". Grab them at every opportunity, cuddle them, ruffle their feathers, flip them around in your arms & try to baby them & they will never want anything to do with you again. Worked accidentally for me with mean animals that attacked the rest of the family...I just wanted something to cuddle
Rooster-red's mean rooster strategies are really excellent. A lot of people on BYC have benefited from his advice and experience. Just like with a naughty kid, the techniques for changing behavior need to be applied confidently and consistently.

Good luck! (and, by the way, WELCOME TO BYC!
Thanks everyone for the info and links. My husband and I checked it out and we'll see what we can do about the rooster.

Thank you also for the welcome. I'm glad to have all of you with experience to help me with all the questions I'm having.
You know what I did with my roo? He was becoming a bit rough on my girls so I made him a coop next door to theirs. He could still see them and "talk" to them but couldn't touch them. I kept him in solitary for a couple of weeks and today finally let him free range with my girls. Let me tell you...the girls are LIBERATED! He walked up to each one and tried to do his "thing" and each of them stood up as tall as they could to look him in the eye and told him "no way mister" in chicken language. Boy did he walk around confused today. BUT he still is doing a great job guarding them, just not rough with them or me. I guess he is now a Southern Gentleman, lol.

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