how to teach a dog not to jump...


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
I am open for suggestions as I have a bull mastiff who is 11 months now and she is so jumpy. Its a problem especially because of her size.

there are a few ways... the method that worked with my husky/malamute was everytime she jumped, we just turned our backs on her and ignored her. When she came to our feet and sat patiently she got a cookie and a good girl
Thanks for your response...

when I try that she jumps on my back..or whoever it is she is jumping on.....and her nails hurt in the back!
What I do is say in a firm voice "Get Down" and then I step on one of their back feet. Just step, not stomp to hurt them. It is uncomfortable and it does take a bit of time, but it has worked on every dog I have done this to.

Our GSD mix was very jumpy when we adopted him...several things we did:
- the turning method Dar mentioned
- giving NO attention until the feet are on the ground
- sometimes putting a knee up during the jump helps, it knocks them off balance (just don't hurt her)
- put a leash on her, and stand on the end so she can't get her front feet off the ground, then praise when she stops trying to jump

A big jumpy dog is irritating. It took a few months to completely cure our guy of it, but he hasn't jumped in years now. Good luck!
i will say the knee trick works best of all---at least at our house.
i will not tell you the breed i have b/c she is designer --- don't worry i did not pay for her
. she was an accident and her mother died when they were still nursing...
anyway, she is a big girl and the jumping was becoming ridiculous. knee to the chest really solved the problem and kept me from getting torn up in the process. when they are about to jump, just put up a knee and say no jumping. it'll take at least a week but, worth it. I even do it to other people's dogs that jump! no one wants to be jumped and clawed by an oversized monster. the knee protects you from being clawed and teaches a lesson at the same time. good luck! big dogs are such a challenge, especially ones tall enough to reach just about anything you try to stash.
I agree with what other people have said, ignoring them is supposed to work great, i dont think i have tried the other methods but im sure they would work too. jumping dogs, especially big ones, can be such a nuiscence sometimes, thats why you should train them young. but anyways, good luck!

ETA: Also if the claws are a problem maybe you could try trimming her claws (also walking on hard surfaces like concrete and stuff sometimes helps keep them in check as well) and/or maybe even get dog booties for her, at least until shes trained, but the ignoring them thing is supposed to work great, just make sure you praise her when shes not jumping. good luck!
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