How to tell if an egg is fertile for incubation


Mar 24, 2017
Is there a way to tell if my eggs that I bring in from my coop are fertile? I plan to order some eggs in the next week or so, but I'd like to throw in some eggs from my own coop so I can see what kind of cross I get. Is there anyway to distinguish fertility before putting the eggs in the incubator and waiting?
The only way to tell is by cracking open a sample of eggs to judge how many are fertile. They will show a 'bullseye' on the yolk around the blastoderm if fertile, and just a little white spot if not.

If most or all of the eggs you check are fertile, chances are you'll have good fertility in the eggs you incubate as well. You can candle the developing eggs and check around day 7 for signs of development and discard any undeveloped ones by day 10.

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