How to tell if chickens are happy and what do chickens like to play with

Bryce Thomas

Mar 21, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
I was just wondering how chickens show happiness and what do they like to play with? I might put whatever you guys suggest in their coop/pen so they can play with it. Sometimes they just seem kinda bored
I was just wondering how chickens show happiness and what do they like to play with? I might put whatever you guys suggest in their coop/pen so they can play with it. Sometimes they just seem kinda bored
My chickens really love to dig. I have a huge goat waterer for them and when I change that out everyday, I dump it in one spot. Their digging spot. Then, I use a hoe and loosen up the soil. Sometimes a dog will do it for me. Either way, it really keeps the birds busy.

The soil type I have does not really have earthworms, but they do find grubs.
I was just wondering how chickens show happiness and what do they like to play with? I might put whatever you guys suggest in their coop/pen so they can play with it. Sometimes they just seem kinda bored
Chickens will wag their tails to show they're happy.

Mine like xylophones, mirrors, & treat balls/cages.

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