How to tell if chickens are happy and what do chickens like to play with

Bryce Thomas

Mar 21, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
I was just wondering how chickens show happiness and what do they like to play with? I might put whatever you guys suggest in their coop/pen so they can play with it. Sometimes they just seem kinda bored
Chickens don't play the way humans, dogs, or even parrots play.

They are happy when they have the space and facilities to engage in normal chicken behaviors such as:

Interacting with each other in a natural way in an uncrowded environment.

You can tell that they're happy because they are doing ordinary chicken things instead of bullying, feather-picking, screaming incessantly, etc.
The best "toy" you can give your chickens is to make sure they have enough room in the coop, on the roosts, and outside.

Happy is such a human concept. Think more about content. They will have spurts of activity but a lot of the time they are very content to just lay around. They are not going to eat all the time, actually a limited amount of time. The same with perching or anything else. Just laying around can be valuable downtime for them.

How can you tell they are content? Mainly they are not hurting each other. There is nothing wrong with giving them access to dirt so they can take dust baths, scratch, or just lay around in it. They will use places to perch if they want to, adding clutter helps improve the quality of what space you have. Certain treats or foods can keep them occupied a little bit of the time. Most of this stuff is more for your benefit than to fulfill any need of theirs. It makes you feel better that you are doing something for them. There is value in that too, you enjoy your chickens more. But I think there is more value in giving them enough room than any of this other stuff.
An active hen is a happy hen. If they're not squabbling with each other or pecking each other too much they're not bored. Mine will voice their opinion if they're bored but that's a personality thing-you know your chickens. If you think they're bored they probably are. Treat balls and mirrors and stuff to dig in, peck at or play with are all good fun
I was just wondering how chickens show happiness and what do they like to play with? I might put whatever you guys suggest in their coop/pen so they can play with it. Sometimes they just seem kinda bored
Chickens will wag their tails to show they're happy.

Mine like xylophones, mirrors, & treat balls/cages.
I was just wondering how chickens show happiness and what do they like to play with? I might put whatever you guys suggest in their coop/pen so they can play with it. Sometimes they just seem kinda bored
My chickens really love to dig. I have a huge goat waterer for them and when I change that out everyday, I dump it in one spot. Their digging spot. Then, I use a hoe and loosen up the soil. Sometimes a dog will do it for me. Either way, it really keeps the birds busy.

The soil type I have does not really have earthworms, but they do find grubs.

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