How to tell if my hen is just cold or actually ill?

Oh the poor girl
Is there snow? I mean I know some chickens refuse to go outside in snow but she seems almost depressed or something. Is she laying? I hope whatever it is she perks up soon!!
Nothing you report suggests illness. It sounds to me as if she's reacting to the cold. Not every chicken reacts exactly the same to every situation. Read what you reported. When it warmed up she seemed fine. You put in a heat lamp-she stays near it & acts better. You reported no symptoms of illnes. Nothing wrong with her that spring won't cure.
OP says she has not seen her eating or drinkng. A chicken that is cold enough to not eat and drink should be ravenous when brought into the house and warmed up.

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I agree. My next question is, have you wormed her, and with what? Do you see any rice looking bits in her poop?

Since addressing lice/mites and worms are things we can easily try, that would be my next step, if your birds haven't been wormed. Of course there could be a number of things going on. I'd guess she is low in the pecking order as well, and perhaps not being allowed near the food enough, except she didn't eat when isolated. The "fluffed up and looking cold" picture is typical of cocci, too; are you ion a very wet climate? Adults do get sick with cocci, though it's not nearly as common or likely as in young chicks.

Does she seem thin or underweight? You can compare her "feel" to another of the same breed, or see if her keel (breast) bone is more prominent, for a guess. If you have a scale that would work, you could start weighing her daily at the same time of the day.

While she may simply be more sensitive to the cold than the others, her failing to eat when warmed makes me think further investigation is a bood idea.

Lastly, does her belly or underside seem at all swollen or enlarged?
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Thank you all for your help and support. Pumpkin is a little perkier this evening. She is standing up now and still puffed up but not as much as she has been. She is still residing in my living room so I know she is not cold. She did not want anything to eat or drink last night, the only thing I could get her to eat was about ten meal worms. Today she has been drinking and eating a little bit here and there(scrambled egg) but not anywhere near normal amounts. I checked her abdomen for swelling and it feels normal to me, also her vent feels and looks normal. The stools she passed last night were small and white and bright green colored.

I checked her over again and there were no signs of mites or lice and I didn't see any signs of injury. Her last egg was 4 or 5 days ago. I have been getting about 2-3 a week from her.

I don't think it is coccidiosis, the coop and run stay very dry and I have not let them out into the snow to free range. I have not wormed any of my chickens yet. My chickens range in age from 9 weeks to 9 months. How often should it be done and what is the best broad spectrum wormer to use? I have seen absolutely no signs of worms in their feces but I also know that they can be easily missed. I do believe I have some research to do.

She is also holding herself normally, not like she is egg bound or has EYP.

I will get some wormer tomorrow and start her on an antibiotic. Poor girl, I just wish she could tell me what was wrong. She is usually pretty fiesty and a bit of a bossy moo so to see her like this is rather sad.

Thanks again for everyones help. I will keep you posted on her condition,
I wanted to add that she does feel thinner than normal for her but she is not skinny or emaciated, Using a scale to weigh her daily is a good idea, thank you.

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