How to tell the difference between barred rock and black sex link


10 Years
Jun 1, 2009

I ordered 10 bantam babies from a hatchery, and along with those 10 I received 10 "warmer" chicks. The hatchery tells me they're either black sex link or barred rocks.
I think I have BR's, but the more I read and look at pics of babies, the more I can't tell. These babies all have white on them and some yellowish white, all have white head spots varying in size. 7 have dark coloring on the legs, 3 are yellow legs.
So, I guess my question is, do black sex link chicks have that much white? I'm thinking they may be all male black sex links, but am hoping they are BR's

Thanks, I've been looking so hard at these chicks I see them in my sleep.
I guess they will be what they will be.....
I had the same time with some of mine(all turned out to be barred rock). I believe though, that if the chicks have white spots on their heads, they are either barred rocks, or male black sex links. I may be wrong, but I think I read that the female black sex links are solid black.

Carrie, you are correct. Male black sexlinks have a spot on the head and females do not. Both BR sexes have head spots, the boys' are larger and more splotchy/irregular with "frosting" across the back of the head. Pullets' are smaller and more defined.
Sometimes BSL cockerels will have a tanish color around the eyes, ( not the red color that the femalse sometimes have, but a yellowish/tannish color,

If you can post some pics, some of us with experience with them may be able to help you.

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