How to tell when ducks will lay


Apr 19, 2021
Beautiful north Texas
Hello fellow duck lovers!

My 2 ducks one Pekin and one possible white layer (or just a smaller pekin) are just over 22 weeks and I kind of thought they would be laying. They seem to be sleeping a lot and I find them often in the coop sleeping. They are eating, swimming and cleaning themselves as they should just seem 'lethargic'.

Is this a sign of them starting to get ready to lay??

Any help is much appreciated! Thank you!
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Might be the heat making them lazy. As for laying they should start anytime. Be sure to put out oyster shell in a separate bowl so they have it when needed. I've never done it but supposedly you can put 2 fingers between the pelvic bones if they are laying or are about to. It's usually 4.5-5 months when laying begins unless Muscovy.
Thank you for the response, true it could be heat related. They have oyster shell available in separate bowls and I do see them eating it from time to time. We put a fake egg down in the coop but the chickens buried it 🙄 lol and now I can't find it 🤣

Guess we will continue to watch and see.


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