How unusual is it for hens to crow?


Sorry i am just jealous that you live in AK.
Oh, I am so glad I am not crazy! I had a silver seabright bantam pullet that crowed repeatedly every morning. She was also the dominant one of the little flock. She would boss the others around and sometimes mount them. We had to get rid of her.

Then, my silly OE banty pullet started to crow if we locked her up in her coop instead of letting her loose in the yard first thing in the morning. I think she is very manipulative.
Not as rare as you would think.
I had a Light Brahma/Leghorn mix that crowed up a storm. She laid me one baby yellow egg when I gave her a month's worth of phytoestrogens and sepia. Too expensive to do all the time so I gave it up.

This past summer my DH was having his hip replaced and I was woken up by this godawful sound...Obelisk my 5 year old Leghorn hen was sitting on the bottom of the Dutch door crowing. she was trying to ask where my DH was I guess.

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