How well can chickens handle heat?

Feb 25, 2021
Man, I have way more questions than usual today, this will probably be my last thread today though.
How well do chickens handle heat? I am asking because it’s getting warmer and warmer in my area as each day goes by. I want to make sure it’s cool enough inside the coop.
Man, I have way more questions than usual today, this will probably be my last thread today though.
How well do chickens handle heat? I am asking because it’s getting warmer and warmer in my area as each day goes by. I want to make sure it’s cool enough inside the coop.
How hot are you talking? It also depends on the breed... what breeds are you getting / have?
Man, I have way more questions than usual today, this will probably be my last thread today though.
How well do chickens handle heat? I am asking because it’s getting warmer and warmer in my area as each day goes by. I want to make sure it’s cool enough inside the coop.
We used to live in Phoenix AZ, one summer it got to be like 110 the chickens were fine in the shade with lots of ice cold water and frozen veggies and fruits, I also had a fan running. We have only lost 2 or 3 chickens to the heat. Your chickens will be fine in those temps. :)

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