how? when? can I sex my pekin duckling? What to look for??

Your first opportunity is around 5-6 weeks. Girls will QUACK, boys only make a peepy whisper. Your second opportunity is when they get their adult feathers. Drakes will develop a curly feather on their tail.


Jack (middle) is a drake. Can you see the drake feather in this pic?
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I am hoping for a gal but if not I will try again next year. I hope to hear some quacks then. Thank you
I vent sexed mine when I got them and that isn't too hard to do. Google it or look in a book like "Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks".....good picture!
my prkin starting quacking at only 2 1/2 weeks old. If it makes a more robust sound, something other than peeping, esp when you pick them up, you have a girl. If it only peeps, and never quacks, it's a boy. (up until 6 weeks plus, after that you can tell by the tail feathers, and a distinct difference in sound of voice.) I know it's hard to tell if you only have one duck or if they all make the same noise. Just know, if it's a boy, it will not attempt to quack when still little.
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