How will girls find nesting boxes?!

Cooley gypsum

In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2016
Is there something we can do to make sure the girls know to use the nesting boxes? We have 6 hens, no roosters. We put a perch in front of the nesting boxes so they could see in there and thinking they'd be able to get into them easier. Should we put a ramp in? How on earth do they know that's where we want them to lay eggs? We put a fake egg in each box too?! Are chickens really that smart? There 16 weeks old now, so we hope soon they'll start laying! Any thoughts/advice appreciated!
To be honest, I'd just see how it goes. If they begin to investigate the nests before they begin to lay then that's a good sign. When pullets first lay, do expect the odd egg under the roosts and some soft shelled eggs now and again - it takes them a while to get their egg laying system sorted out.

Also, you should make sure they can't poop on the nest from the roost. Depending on the breed you have (and individual), they might not lay eggs for another ten weeks, though earlier is more likely.

They are smart enough to figure out where to lay. Fake eggs or a real one you replace often are good to put in the nests. They don't lay places because we want them too. They lay because it is natural, especially where other eggs are in a safe area. Their instincts lead them to gather a clutch, go broody and hatch chicks. They lay eggs for themselves, not us. We just take them. I like omelets.

And you don't need a ramp unless your nest boxes are super high and you have very small or heavy chickens.
they will find the nesting boxes on their own

my chickens will lay their eggs right in the coop (in the corner)

i built 2 nesting boxes for them .. and they used them right way when i put them in.. but i guess it doesn't matter

my coop is not that big though
they will find the nesting boxes on their own

my chickens will lay their eggs right in the coop (in the corner)

i built 2 nesting boxes for them .. and they used them right way when i put them in.. but i guess it doesn't matter

my coop is not that big though
How many do you have in the coop pictured on your profile page?
They will find them automatically, my chickens did not have a nest box so they braved going into the bigger goose shed passed a protective gander just so they could use the nest boxes in the goose shed. They love a nice cosy nest box, probably makes them feel safe and secure at a time, during laying their eggs, when they are most vulnerable to predators
Is there something we can do to make sure the girls know to use the nesting boxes? We have 6 hens, no roosters. We put a perch in front of the nesting boxes so they could see in there and thinking they'd be able to get into them easier. Should we put a ramp in? How on earth do they know that's where we want them to lay eggs? We put a fake egg in each box too?! Are chickens really that smart? There 16 weeks old now, so we hope soon they'll start laying! Any thoughts/advice appreciated!
How high are the nests?
Have they been open for long?
Are your birds roosting(sleeping) on the roosts?

You could always just set a bird on the perch in front of the nest to pique her curiosity....but that is most likely not necessary.
The nesting boxes are about 10 inches from the bottom of the coop. I'll try and set them on the perch in front of them.

They don't roost there but on roosts above the boxes...

They've been open for about two weeks now.

Thanks aart!
How high are the nests?
Have they been open for long?
Are your birds roosting(sleeping) on the roosts?

You could always just set a bird on the perch in front of the nest to pique her curiosity....but that is most likely not necessary.
The nesting boxes are about 10 inches from the bottom of the coop. I'll try and set them on the perch in front of them.

They don't roost there but on roosts above the boxes...

They've been open for about two weeks now.

Thanks aart!
Quote: They should figure it out.

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