How will these chickens do together?


12 Years
Jan 21, 2008
New Bern, NC
I am about to order four chickens and would like imput on how they would do together.

Barren Rock

They will all be hens.
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The guy I got my chickens from had australorps, faverolles, and partridge rocks all together, along with some wyandottes and ameraucanas. I don't know anything about polish, but the others should be fine.
Well, if you look at my signature- I have all of those breed all together minus the SS as I lost her to a hawk. All do very well but all of my breeds are really docile so that might help.
my favorrels get picked on a bit and I think polish would get picked on alot and cant see well good luck though.

When hatcheries rate them, they usually mean docile with people. Chickens still have a hierarchy that they work out and that sometimes will change and have to be reworked. They will fuss with each other from time to time. I love my Barred Rocks-they dont pick on others for the most part and just mind their own business...looking for treats on my deck, LOL.
My larger girls do not like the polish girls and tried to pluck them bald. It wasn't pretty at all.

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