How worried should we be about botulism?


Mar 22, 2022
So in my last post I talked about my duck who has some sort of neurological thing going on and I'm concerned it's botulism after doing some googling and reading. My ducks are about 5-6 weeks and don't have their permanent house yet so right now they have a large kiddie pool and hang out in the yard during the day.

With a kiddie pool, how concerned do we really need to be about the water being stagnant and forming botulism toxin? I've never thought about it with my dogs and their kiddie pool and they jump in it and drink from it days after we fill it, but they have a much larger body/system. With all this happening, I'm now concerned with botulism with my disks and never knew this was a thing. I've only ever dealt with the subject with canning foods as I do a lit of that.
Look up limber neck which is botulism is the duck able to hold its head up?

Have you seen the flush link? Many of us keep activated charcoal just in case I have used it for my dog and myself.

Wouldn't hurt to do a flush just to see. At least you could rue it out.
I did add a little Epsom salts to the last mash up I gave to it an hour ago. I was wondering about adding some electrolytes as well so will do that too. Thank you!

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