How would a chicken like to be petted


10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
I just hold the chicks in my hand and gently pet them on the head. But do they really like it?
Any opinions on how chickens should be petted?
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My pullet really likes when I preen her back-neck feathers with my finger. It's like the dog kicking their leg with that impulse, she starts preening the front of herself while I do that back.
Such a funny sight.
I have a young hen that loves to be held & I pet her back, actually starting at the top of her head & down her back &
I have a young cockeral that likes it They both snuggle in & close their eyes like it feels heavenly
Is it safe to assume they like it if they settle down, tuck their head in and are still and quiet? One of mine does this so I've been assuming she's happy. . .
My roosters liked this, too. They liked to have their wattles rubbed and liked to be petted down the backs of their necks on their hackle feathers.
I do the wattles and stroke their breast and legs. If I reach to their heads they tend to duck as if I were another chicken wanting to peck them. So I stay away from putting my hand over their heads if I can. Sometimes I can do the comb if they are calm and I have been petting them for a while.

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