How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

I try not to think about it too much. Been living almost 70 years now and still no mushroom clouds on the horizon. The possibility of a nuclear war has been hanging over my head ever since old Doc Weimer slapped me on my butt and proclaimed 'it's a girl!' So far hasn't happened can only hope that I can live out the rest of my life without it happening as it hasn't happened yet.

Does that make sense?

But seriously, we live in the shadow of Whiteman AFB where the B2 bombers are stabled and east of Kansas where there are as many missile silos as there are wheat fields and cows so it's pretty much put your head between your knees and kiss your you know what goodbye should there be a war.

Frankly, I will be amazed if one does happen. Russian leaders are not stupid. Idiots maybe but intelligent ones. They know that anything they lob towards the west is going to come back at them in retaliatory strikes plus the prevailing winds are going to blow any fall out into their own back yards. It's a no win scenario for everyone.

While I consider my chicken flock to be a living food bank if necessary, if it does happen I'll have more to worry about than keeping them alive.

Like keeping my husband and myself along with out house pets safe. Probably the ultimate decision if there was a strike would be to butcher them all and put them in a smoker to preserve their meat. I love my feather babies but when all is said and done it's about survival.
Yeah I thought about butchering them all at once but I'm off grid and not enough solar power to have a big freezer and just use a small bbq for's snowing here now so I'm having to running the generator for internet right now.....DOOOOH! 😒
Actually IMHO the first thing everyone should consider is survival.

I'm sure there are Latter Day Saints on the forum who will attest to the fact that they have preparedness down to a fine art. Everyone should have at least 6-12 months of sustainable food supplies on hand. That includes water and comfort items. Human and pet food.

Just google their site and do research on their articles about preparedness.

Secondly, you can google 'what are my chances of surviving a nuclear war'. You should be able to find grafts that show you what your chances are wherever you live in the US. You can even find where there are nuclear launch sites in the US. Nope, it's no big secret.

Your metropolitan areas, military bases, launch sites will be prime targets. Pipe lines, shipping lanes. Think what would cause the most disruptions. That is what would be hit.

One of the things I've read in the past states that there would be a lot of survivors. Let's face it. Nobody winning a war isn't what humans fight wars over. The axis powers have been in a our nukes are bigger than yours peeing match since everyone got their hands on the A-Bomb plans. Nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done.

I'm a bit curious about the prediction of a Carrington Event sized solar flare occurring in what was the year? 2025?My husband and I are HAM operators. Would love to see that data.

Finally, IF something bad was to happen, I fear that birds would be some of the first victims. Anybody besides me remember stories about canaries taken down into coal mines as gas detectors? Their systems are so sensitive they would be dropping like flies. Unfortunately, like it or not, chickens are birds.
Yeah I thought about butchering them all at once but I'm off grid and not enough solar power to have a big freezer and just use a small bbq for's snowing here now so I'm having to running the generator for internet right now.....DOOOOH! 😒
We did off grid for four years. When the temps hit 108 one summer we said, we're tough but not that tough and hooked into the electric grid.

Still we know if push came to shove we could survive off grid.

Some great plans for easy to make smokers on Mother Earth News and Grit's sites. Right now we just have a grill also but have the plans for a couple on hand should the need arise. Easily enough made with a large empty propane tank.
We did off grid for four years. When the temps hit 108 one summer we said, we're tough but not that tough and hooked into the electric grid.

Still we know if push came to shove we could survive off grid.

Some great plans for easy to make smokers on Mother Earth News and Grit's sites. Right now we just have a grill also but have the plans for a couple on hand should the need arise. Easily enough made with a large empty propane tank.
(.....**.note to self....

add smoke house to honey-do list....

plus gang up the other batteries to the bank...

and have him get that frickin massive box with the wind turbine out of our bedroom and finally set it up!!! :barnie)
Actually IMHO the first thing everyone should consider is survival.

I'm sure there are Latter Day Saints on the forum who will attest to the fact that they have preparedness down to a fine art. Everyone should have at least 6-12 months of sustainable food supplies on hand. That includes water and comfort items. Human and pet food.

Just google their site and do research on their articles about preparedness.

Secondly, you can google 'what are my chances of surviving a nuclear war'. You should be able to find grafts that show you what your chances are wherever you live in the US. You can even find where there are nuclear launch sites in the US. Nope, it's no big secret.

Your metropolitan areas, military bases, launch sites will be prime targets. Pipe lines, shipping lanes. Think what would cause the most disruptions. That is what would be hit.

One of the things I've read in the past states that there would be a lot of survivors. Let's face it. Nobody winning a war isn't what humans fight wars over. The axis powers have been in a our nukes are bigger than yours peeing match since everyone got their hands on the A-Bomb plans. Nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done.

I'm a bit curious about the prediction of a Carrington Event sized solar flare occurring in what was the year? 2025?My husband and I are HAM operators. Would love to see that data.

Finally, IF something bad was to happen, I fear that birds would be some of the first victims. Anybody besides me remember stories about canaries taken down into coal mines as gas detectors? Their systems are so sensitive they would be dropping like flies. Unfortunately, like it or not, chickens are birds.
I don't believe they can predict when a major x-flare would happen, especially that far out, they can only make educated guesses on when they may or may not happen based on solar minimum/maximum periods, earth facing sun spots, etc... I agree about the of the reasons I have started this crazy thread 🤪

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