How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

Ok .... RE: keywords and such ....I said earlier I wanted to tell you all something crazy about my friend Michael from the Dept of Defense who has a very high security clearance (that's all I can say)... well technically he's retired but they keep calling him back in as a consultant so he still attends all of the briefings, and I understand why they won't let him go..... because he is the most worldly, brilliant person I know ... went to MIT among other colleges and has degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, Biology, Physics and Astrophysics , Biblical Theology, Ancient Civilizations and texts, and many more, but what impresses me most about him is his laser accurate gift of spiritual discernment.
Anyway he is the founder of a ministry called Council of Time (COT..... I used to do the nightly news broadcast before I was diagnosed with the brain tumor and couldn't read well)

Well a couple days ago I asked the Lord if I was doing the right thing posting this thread and spending so much time on it?...was I fear mongering and am I just scaring some people? Should I forget about the animals ...or is this what You want me to do since I am in such a remote location and rarely ever see other people face to face?

I got my answer through Michael this morning while listening to the recording of his ministry broadcast last night (He usually speaks about the Bible but this was one of his Intel/Info update broadcasts) titled "Understanding space threats - Q & A" but he talked about so much more than that, and it was mind-blowing because he talked about or at least mentioned exact words and phrases VERBATUM of over a dozen things we all typed into this thread in the days prior!!! (And I promise you that I haven't spoken to him or anyone else about it, and he certainly doesn't read chicken chat rooms.... nor does he analyze algorithms....even though I'm sure he could lol) He spoke about the sun and it's affects, about nukes (and why they can't always work), algorithms, frequencies, elections, Arizona, politicians, Disney??? LOL, not being fearful, preparing, not giving up because of medical issues, and our trials in life having purpose, .... and many more!

So please listen.... it was fascinating! You will learn a lot about so many topics!

here is the link
I mostly enjoy my life.... just prep here and there
There is a 100% chance we each will die eventually. We could probably agree there is a less than 100% chance of nuclear war, EMPs, Solar Flares, etc in our lifetime.

In the hierarchy of needs, being prepared to meet God is literally the top of my list.
Ok .... RE: keywords and such ....I said earlier I wanted to tell you all something crazy about my friend Michael from the Dept of Defense who has a very high security clearance (that's all I can say)... well technically he's retired but they keep calling him back in as a consultant so he still attends all of the briefings, and I understand why they won't let him go..... because he is the most worldly, brilliant person I know ... went to MIT among other colleges and has degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, Biology, Physics and Astrophysics , Biblical Theology, Ancient Civilizations and texts, and many more, but what impresses me most about him is his laser accurate gift of spiritual discernment.
Anyway he is the founder of a ministry called Council of Time (COT..... I used to do the nightly news broadcast before I was diagnosed with the brain tumor and couldn't read well)

Well a couple days ago I asked the Lord if I was doing the right thing posting this thread and spending so much time on it?...was I fear mongering and am I just scaring some people? Should I forget about the animals ...or is this what You want me to do since I am in such a remote location and rarely ever see other people face to face?

I got my answer through Michael this morning while listening to the recording of his ministry broadcast last night (He usually speaks about the Bible but this was one of his Intel/Info update broadcasts) titled "Understanding space threats - Q & A" but he talked about so much more than that, and it was mind-blowing because he talked about or at least mentioned exact words and phrases VERBATUM of over a dozen things we all typed into this thread in the days prior!!! (And I promise you that I haven't spoken to him or anyone else about it, and he certainly doesn't read chicken chat rooms.... nor does he analyze algorithms....even though I'm sure he could lol) He spoke about the sun and it's affects, about nukes (and why they can't always work), algorithms, frequencies, elections, Arizona, politicians, Disney??? LOL, not being fearful, preparing, not giving up because of medical issues, and our trials in life having purpose, .... and many more!

So please listen.... it was fascinating! You will learn a lot about so many topics!

here is the link
If nothing else, this thread tells me I'm not the only nut out there thinking about these things. And all the way down to the weedy details. I can count on one hand the people in my life I can talk to seriously about this sort of thing.
new york city here.

i could spend all my time and energy “prepping” or i can spend it enjoying my life and let the chips fall where they will.

i know which choice i’m going with.
There are a lot of options between all and nothing.

The 80/20 rule isn't just for 80 and 20. Of the 80, one can get 80 precent of the benefit from 20 percent of the cost (in time, or whatever), and so on.
Red zoned, oh well. Just means no more worrying.
Probably not. Which do you think is more likely if there is an attack? That it will be all of these targets or only some of them? Maybe even only one or two?

Just because some countries have huge bombs doesn't mean they will use them, even in an attack. A suitcase bomb could be more likely for a lot of reasons.

If it is either, there will still be some people who won't need to worry any longer. There will also be people further away who can be much better off by doing a few simple things. Not as good as if they had done a lot more, but the 80/20 rule again. There are a lot of options between doing all that can be done and doing nothing,
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