How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

Perhaps I'd like canning better if I had all of the canning equipment....I just have to make due with regular kitchen stuff (*note to self - whisper subliminal canning equipment messages into his ear as he sleeps)
<<<shaking head sadly>>>
That is like trying to garden without a shovel, hoe, or hose.

A carey might be nice but you can get functional for less than $20 (or maybe about that, these days) with a jar lifter, canning funnel, and rack to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot. A Ball Blue Book and a magnetic lid lifter are probably worth the investment too.

This assumes you have a big pot of some kind already. Anything deep enough to cover the jars by an inch or so. If not, $25 will get you a water bath canner and you won't need the separate rack as it come with one that will let you lift all the jars out of the water. You would still get the jar lifter.

That lets you can tomatoes and most fruit. Which is all many people can anyway.

You can at least find out if you like canning.
Hmmmm, Santa might have some room on his sleigh for one of those, with my name on it :yesss:
Get it quick, they go fast
<<<shaking head sadly>>>
That is like trying to garden without a shovel, hoe, or hose.

A carey might be nice but you can get functional for less than $20 (or maybe about that, these days) with a jar lifter, canning funnel, and rack to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot. A Ball Blue Book and a magnetic lid lifter are probably worth the investment too.

This assumes you have a big pot of some kind already. Anything deep enough to cover the jars by an inch or so. If not, $25 will get you a water bath canner and you won't need the separate rack as it come with one that will let you lift all the jars out of the water. You would still get the jar lifter.

That lets you can tomatoes and most fruit. Which is all many people can anyway.

You can at least find out if you like canning.
That will only work on high acid foods or foods with acid added before canning. That will NOT work for canning low acid foods which are vegetables, meats, poultry, soups, stews, or meat sauces. I can many many veggies and stock. I also can tomatoes and make my own jelly. Like I said, the Carey canner is a water bath canner as well as a pressure canner. If you are gonna buy one thing, might as well buy something that can DO more than one thing
Your setup sounds absolutely fabulous. Send me a picture of your wood stove!!

Here's my Hank (wood stove insert)
Ummmm Fabulous??? .....S'NOT!!! (Oh crap....Pico wants a pic....wasn't expecting cyber-company today) 😳

Ok give me a minute....just pardon all of the ash dust on it....Old Cinderella works 24/7 here keeping us warn (Cinderella is what I named my stove....I don't have a stepsister-housekeeper)....BRB
Ummmm Fabulous??? .....S'NOT!!! (Oh crap....Pico wants a pic....wasn't expecting cyber-company today) 😳

Ok give me a minute....just pardon all of the ash dust on it....Old Cinderella works 24/7 here keeping us warn (Cinderella is what I named my stove....I don't have a stepsister-housekeeper)....BRB it is....pardon the clutter
That big foiled covered box is a make-shift hospital cage/brooder and the wood box below it is for larger birds and puppies but we just have our (get out of dodge) packs in it right now 😶


This is my "UUUGH IT'S TOO HOT IN HERE....HAVING A HOT FLASH....I HATE MENOPAUSE!!!🥵" Summer cooking stove....I named it "Coleman" is...:confused:

Again...please pardon the clutter (that's squash seeds drying on the paper towel and the crock pot is just storage for almond flour...never used it lol) AND WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T LET SENOR JUAN VALDEZ SEE THIS PIC OF THE UBAN COFFEE TUBS ON THE LEFT OR I'LL NEVER SEE HIM AND HIS DONKEY AGAIN AT MY DOOR!

Anyway, real nice fireplace you have there!
<<<shaking head sadly>>>
That is like trying to garden without a shovel, hoe, or hose.

A carey might be nice but you can get functional for less than $20 (or maybe about that, these days) with a jar lifter, canning funnel, and rack to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot. A Ball Blue Book and a magnetic lid lifter are probably worth the investment too.

This assumes you have a big pot of some kind already. Anything deep enough to cover the jars by an inch or so. If not, $25 will get you a water bath canner and you won't need the separate rack as it come with one that will let you lift all the jars out of the water. You would still get the jar lifter.

That lets you can tomatoes and most fruit. Which is all many people can anyway.

You can at least find out if you like canning.
Oh....I've canned my ars off....just said I don't particularly enjoy it lol ...I use a big stock pot (in the wood stove pic above) with a towel on the bottom and my big bbq grill tongs to pull the jars out but I've had a couple OOPSIES with those and dropped and broke a couple before I got them set onto the counter, and I don't have a wide mouth funnel which would help....but I always make due 😊
Oh....I've canned my ars off....just said I don't particularly enjoy it lol ...I use a big stock pot (in the wood stove pic above) with a towel on the bottom and my big bbq grill tongs to pull the jars out but I've had a couple OOPSIES with those and dropped and broke a couple before I got them set onto the counter, and I don't have a wide mouth funnel which would help....but I always make due 😊
Hm, like, you had the basic tools and still didn't enjoy it? Because there is making do without bells and whistles and there is making do without the most basic tools.

You are describing gardening without a hose or building a shed without a hammer. It can be done but...

I did one canner- full without jar tongs when I couldn't find mine after a move. Scary. Even without dropping anything. As well as making it so difficult.

Edit to add. Not that everyone will like canning even if they have an ideal setup and all the tools. 🙂
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