How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

LOL that's me 🤪 came out kinda (crappy camera in my stupid-head/smarty-pants phone)
Yeah they can do a lot with satellites....they don't even need facial recognition cams...they can identify each one of us by our unique individual heartbeat from a satellite (once it's on record), as accurately as a fingerprint....I am dead serious, unfortunately....gotta love the military industrial 😕
Then how come they can’t find kidnap victims???
Hi all! How is everyone doing....I've had a pretty busy day so far....was feeling a bit of urgency in my spirit this morning so I've been doing a lot of praying today while starting to set up my plan that I originally posted on this thread.

I can't say for sure yet if that urgency is mostly just from my carnal flesh due to some recent info I have received from a few sources, or if it was downloaded directly into my spirit by the Lord. Either way, I'm going to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, while praying that I do not need what I have least not yet.

Time permitting, and Lord willing, I was thinking about sharing some important info here (or should I start that new thread) either tonight or tomorrow, that is, if anyone here wants to hear it.... so speak up or maybe just "like" if you do, but I want to finish some things first while I still have daylight.

In the meantime, I will share this prayer that I posted in the "Prayer Warrior" thread this morning, for those who care to read it and come into agreement (if they are led to do so).

Heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of Holy Spirit. I, (and all who come into agreeance with one accord),....I bind, rebuke, and bring to no affect the plots of those spirits that promote and teach mankind the art of war....THE LORD REBUKE YOU AZAZEL AND GADREEL....THE LORD REBUKE YOU, PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR!

Abba, for the sake of Your children, let all the powers of our adversaries be rendered impotent in the mighty name of Jesus.

Holy Spirit, confuse the camp of the enemy in accordance to Jeremiah 20:11.

Lord Jesus, we know you said these things must come to pass, and every written word about You is "YES AND AMEN", so I declare and decree Your promise, that no weapon formed against Your children shall prosper and all things will go for good for those who love You, and are called according to Your purpose.

Even so I beseech You, keep us under Your mighty wing, hidden in You - our fortress...our God.... surround us with a fiery hedge of protection as You did for David, and dispatch Your ministering angels to comfort those who fear what is to come as prophecy unfolds.

Praise you Lord almighty, all is under Your control and Your plan (not ours) is perfect....You created the celestial bodies for all to see as signs, and for discerning the season. Thank you Lord for Your warning in the blood moon tomorrow, and aligning it with the elections. You appoint the kings of the earth as our leaders to bring either Your blessings or judgments to nations, so I ask You to place that conviction in the hearts of all who will vote tomorrow.

Finally Father, if it be Your will, give us more time before the flying scrolls in Zechariah's vision reach their destinations so that we have more opportunity to prepare our spirits and flesh, and plant and water more seeds in others to bring them into the sheep fold.

With my heart bowed and on bent knee, I ask this in the mighty name of our holy and righteous King, Jesus of Nazareth
Then how come they can’t find kidnap victims???
YOU are hilarious (previous posts)...but yeah this is nothing to joke are also great at asking those "rabbit hole" questions....please give me some time to get back to you on that but in short, not everyone's heart signature is on file yet...probably only those who are targeted individuals or of particular interest to the powers that be....
LOL that's me 🤪 came out kinda (crappy camera in my stupid-head/smarty-pants phone)
Yeah they can do a lot with satellites....they don't even need facial recognition cams...they can identify each one of us by our unique individual heartbeat from a satellite (once it's on record), as accurately as a fingerprint....I am dead serious, unfortunately....gotta love the military industrial 😕
(Scary lol)
I’m of 2 schools of thought:
1- invasion of privacy/morally wrong to spy and
2- with nothing to hide… I’m not squawking too loud about it.

If used as a force for good, Big Brother is welcome…. At work, at play, In my home, on my phone….

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