Howdy all !!!


7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
We've been talking about getting some chicks for a year. Hubby want's eggs and BBQ but I told him if I have to feed and care for them they're my babies. Hey, as much chicken we go threw, might as well grow our own, Right?! Anyway, after reading a lot of the forums, we decided that with nine hens, we'd get about 6 eggs a day. Some neighbors have Barred rocks that are there pride and joy, and really friendly. We thought we would try our luck with them, but it was'nt to be. We went to Tractor Supply to look at tillers, and while he looked at them, I went and looked at the peepers. They only had "Red Pullets" left. The sales guy said they were getting somemore in a couple of days, but really wanted to get rid of these first. Hubby came over and got to talking about chicks and care and before you know it, we got the last of the chicks. He gave them to us at half price and since we only wanted nine to begin with, he thew the tenth in for free. Guy's back me up on this, when the wife uses that tone and look, you know your in for it. That was two weeks ago and now we have questions so deciced to join you all and learn about these guys. As I understand it Red Pullets are like the Hienz 57 of the chicken world. The sales guy said they were a week old but I think there older. Some of them have wing feathers touching there butts. Anyway, we that's what we got and loving it. Gonna try and post pitcures if can figure it out. Talk atcha later.
Hi I'm new as well, sadly I don't have an chickens yet but I will get some eventually! ... Welcome! hopefully I can too learn more about chickens from experienced people! I am currently reading books on chickens too so I might have a read now actually :)

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