Hello. Nice to meet everyone. Um, I am need of some help. I have never owned chickens before so am a newbie when it comes to them. Our neighbors two roosters and one hen decided to move to my place about a month ago. They don't want to go back home. I have horses, donkeys and goats and now three chickens. Well, the hen has decided to lay eggs in the goat house and she is sitting on them. Okay, fine, she wants to sit on eggs that is okay. Well, what should I do? Leave her alone and hope when the babies are hatched they will be okay? The goat house is in the front pasture where the donkeys, horses and goats are. I'm afraid the babies will get stepped on. Should I build a pen around the goat house so the babies will be safe? I do not know what to do. Do I put food and water next to the hen so she can eat? Help! Thank you in advanced for any info.