Howdy from Grapevine, Texas


9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
Hey y'all. I'm new to raising chickens and new to the forum, so have lots of questions. How do I find specific types of pullets or hens without having to order three or more, or is that not possible unless I know someone who has them? I've done some networking with local feed stores and farmers, but I'm only going to get 2 or 3 hens and would like one to be a Dominique. Any suggestions? Thank you for any advice you can offer!
I'm from NC, and we had a low choice of hatcheries. I really wanted Barred Rocks, and after lots of searching online, I found a quite reputable hatchery that had BRs. They were Sumner Byrd Hatchery in Holly Springs, NC, but I guess that doesn't really help you in Texas. Basically, just look around on the web. I just typed in "Hatcheries in NC" to Google, and found one that looked nice and had BRs. Hope I could help!
Hi Crazy Bird Lady. Thanks for your advice. Guess if you only plan to buy 2 or 3 you have to take what you can get, huh? How long have you been raising chickens and can you think of any pitfalls I should anticipate? Thanks!
I know this is an old thread but I'm from Grapevine too! How's your coop and future adventures going? I'll be getting my first chicks in May, I can't wait!

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