Howdy from Kentucky!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
I just started my chicken enterprise (lol) a few weeks ago. I've had chickens before, but mostly only banties (yes, I know they're supposed to be spelled "bantam", but what's the fun in typing/saying "bantam"??) that were eaten by the local fauna. I currently have 6 chicks, (fuzzy little surprises that I got from my TSC, that I'm just going let grow up before I swear to breed...anyone besides me hate the vagueness of those bin signs?) a pair of silver duckwing Old English banties, (and my oh my are they precious!!) a big ol' white rooster (exact breed currently unknown, suspecting a cross of some sort) affectionately called Dale, and a big ol' red hen that is currently nameless (don't know what she is, either, got her from the same guy who sold me Dale, most likely a cross as well. Possibly cornish? I'm likely to post pics at some point soon).
My husband and I are trying the self sufficient route, sick of everything in the grocery store. (We're also thinking about raising rabbits for meat in the future...although there's something about domesticated rabbit that just ain't right.) Also, he never knew that chickens could have awesome little personalities and make great pets. He's loving the whole getting to know them process, and I'm loving the reintroduction to them.
I saw this site and knew it was the place for me to call my "online chicken home", 'cause y'all are so friendly to one another, I feel like I could really learn from you all and find some great chicken buddies! Thanks for having me!
Welcome to BYC!!
Glad you joined us!!
I knowww! I kept trying to ask questions, 'cause I'd just like to know. It doesn't matter to me, personally, I'll love them anyway, but when someone walks up to me and asks what kinda chickens I have, I'd like to be able to tell them, instead of saying "Don't know". Someone might see my chickens one day and offer to buy a certain breed, or someone might be interested in raising them, too. And, I like to learn. When I bought my Dale and his little wifey from the flea market, I asked the guy what breed they were. He didn't know. I just took two of the healthiest looking ones he had and brought them home to love. I really didn't know what else to do! Haha.
I suppose if you have tons of free range chickens of different breeds that it IS difficult to keep every bloodline pure, and I can understand that. I guess I'm picky...or am I supposed to be that way? I'm relatively new to this whole breeding for eggs & meat thing, but I'm really enjoying it thus far!
Thanks for the warm welcomes!!

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