Howdy from Melbourne Florida


7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Melbourne Florida
Hey all,

My kids and I are getting geared up to have a few hens on our property - right in the middle of urban Melbourne - we're beyond excited and a bit nervous and, well I'm concerned that I do everything right - especially coop design and placement.

Here is our plan - we can have 4 hens - so I was looking at the breeds, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red and Production hens - and I was planning on getting the chicks from Funky Chicken Farm as soon as we can secure a coop and get that set up. We'd like to have a variety in our hens - so weren't planning on getting all the same breed. We want hens that are not only good egg layers, but also healthy and gentle and won't mind handling.

We have been told that if buying young chicks, its a good idea to get a few more than you really want, as you sometimes lose one and sometimes you end up with a rooster or two, so I was considering buying 6 chicks when the time comes, and - well - if we end up with six hens - we'd have to decide on four, and if we did get a rooster or one died, well, we'd not have to worry about introducing new chicks into the flock and having them pecked to death.

I'd welcome all advice and comraderie from other southeast chicken keepers - my son and I are so excited about this new project!
hi welcome......
as for breeds, rhode island reds have a good disposition, and barred rocks are friendly w/ people too.(those are the breeds i have)
I think the idea of getting 6 chicks is a fine sure you will find others to take a bird if u end up w/ too much
I was actually thinking I could just dress them out - might not be a popuular idea, but i hunt and fish and would enjoy a home grown chicken dinner.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan
Is it pretty common to get a rooster rather than a hen when puchasing chicks? From what I hear, it seems common - save for the sex-link breeds.

Thank you so much for all the welcomes!
Is it pretty common to get a rooster rather than a hen when puchasing chicks? From what I hear, it seems common - save for the sex-link breeds.

Thank you so much for all the welcomes!
yeah i believe it is....i havent raised them from chicks ever, but thats what i hear. You usaully can get them sexed to try to get pullets instead of roos, but it costs more, and isnt 100% accurate
Gotcha - well then I guess that plan will work - to get a few extra chicks just in case and dress a few out if they all end up being hens (or dress the roosters if they end up being boys). I found it interesting when I was reading up on chickens and the different breeds and found out that the chickens we purchase in the grocery stores are only about 6 weeks old when they are dressed out. I had no idea they grew so fast - or that roosters were utilized for food just as the hens - I had figured the roos weren't chunky enough for some reason.

You know, some animals on this earth amaze me - well all amaze me for one reason or another, but there are a few that really look like they were 'designed' for human use and help - like dogs from wolves, horses, oxen and such, and also, the humble chicken - what an amazing and versitile critter! Its a real "winner" as far as versitility, use, compatibility, companionship and food production - I can't imagine any critter that gives so much - food wise - from such a small animal.

I am soo excited to get into this hobby - I have "chick fever"! And I don't even have a coop in mind, or have anything set up for them yet - all I've done so far is read up on breeds, coops, requirements, pests and what not, and start up a mealworm colony - they are easy - used to raise them for my chameleons when I had them.

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