Howdy from the PNW!


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2020
Hey there, I'm Sebastian! Moved from central Ohio to a small farm in the Pacific Northwest last October, and I'm having a delightful time living the farm life! I've been using BYC as a resource for a while now, and I've finally made an account, ahaha.
So far my flock includes chickens and Corturnix, but I have King quail in the incubator and plan for turkeys later this summer. My chicken flock has eleven birds, and I have 16 quail of various ages at the moment. I'm still new to owning poultry but I've been breeding show rabbits for the last five or so years.
I'm looking to become a entomology taxonomist, which is a fancy way of saying I like looking at bugs. I have over a dozen insect colonies, with a focus of exotic cockroaches.
Hey there, I'm Sebastian! Moved from central Ohio to a small farm in the Pacific Northwest last October, and I'm having a delightful time living the farm life! I've been using BYC as a resource for a while now, and I've finally made an account, ahaha.
So far my flock includes chickens and Corturnix, but I have King quail in the incubator and plan for turkeys later this summer. My chicken flock has eleven birds, and I have 16 quail of various ages at the moment. I'm still new to owning poultry but I've been breeding show rabbits for the last five or so years.
I'm looking to become a entomology taxonomist, which is a fancy way of saying I like looking at bugs. I have over a dozen insect colonies, with a focus of exotic cockroaches.

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people! There is a place in your profile settings to show what city and state you're in. We are in Lakeside, Oregon. Where are you?

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