Howdy from TN/KY - guinea & turkey folk here


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Bowling Green KY
Hi all, I am sl-owly learning my way around and am finding some great info on this site.

My partner and I live on a small farm on the KY/TN border. We have at this count: 2 horses, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 snakes (in cages inside of course), 5 turkeys, and 1 little lonesome guinea.

I am an author and work out of the home, which I love, because I get to be around our "kids." All of our animals are rescues except the birds. My hobbies are horseback riding and voulnteer work with missing/murdered; I also do volunteer work with animal rescue.

I am just now learning about backyard - kept fowl and am sticking to turkey and guinea. We had a flock of guinea 2 years ago, but we also had a neighbor who would not control his dogs ... end of saga. Now that the neighbors moved, we are trying it again. We have 7 acres (some fenced).

I never thought I would love farm life! I am from south Texas / suburbia and love the city.

Would love any and all help on raising & keeping happy, healthy turkey and guinea.

Hi, welcome to BYC! Please feel free to ask anything!!

I've never raised turkeys, but I have had a few guineas. They are great at pest-control, but the males are extremely noisy and they are all very adventurous, causing many to be hit by cars.

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