Howdy! New Chicken Mom Here

Hey y’all!
I’m a mom to 2 humans and a new mom to 28 chickens in Texas! It was 30 but we lost 2 sadly. I intended on starting with 15 chicks and my husband decided to add 15 more by the end of the week so his chicken math was all out of whack! 🤪 They are now almost 10 weeks and so far doing well. We have what we think are 5 roosters so far from the bunch. They came from the feed store so according to what we got we have barred rocks, red and black sex links, Rhode Island reds, blue stars, and silver laced wyandottes, however only 1 seems to be a Wyandotte lol We already have such a huge connection to our chickens and have loved seeing them go from tiny little fluff balls to mini chickens. I was a small animal vet tech for 7 years before my last baby, now I’m a sahm with all the chicken responsibilities. I joined in hopes of gaining knowledge and advice as this is my first time raising chickens. My husband has had chickens in the past but it’s been a minute. Any and all advice is welcome!👋
Welcome to BYC!!

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